Digital Addiction : New Fatal Sickness Of Our Days

What is Digital Addiction

Digital addict is colloquially used to describe a person whose interaction with technology is verging on excessive, threatening to absorb their attention above all else and consequently having a negative impact on the well-being of the user. Used as a conversational phrase, digital addict describes an increasingly common dependence on devices in the digital age . The phrase is used to highlight the possible danger in being over exposed to technology in an age where the scope for using digital technologies in everyday life is ever-increasing and the danger of becoming dependent upon them is a distinct possibility.

New Sickness Of Today

In Everyday Life, People are addicted to some kind of boose since very start of our history same as Caffion and Nicoteen used today. But first time, new addiction has come in our society. It can neither be eaten, drunk, nor smelled like as other drugs and liquers. And it is amazing to know that its ill effects are same as of other addiction.

While calls and texts are important for keeping us connected, the numerous other smartphone features might actually be stopping us from connecting with the person sitting across the table from us. Maybe it's time for us to go back to dumb phones. At least for a little while.

This addiction is changing the life of our relations too. Our teenagers are going away from real world and spend their time in digital world. They accept the artificial world as a real world. It starts with oneself and is spreading into society.

This sickness can not be cured in clinic and hospitals as it is not covered in phathological disorder but China is the first country accepted it as clinical disorder which can be cured by some kind of way like de-programming therapy.


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