Top 10 Sexual Fears For Women

1. Fear about recalciteant bodies which have lost the desirable 70% hip to waist ratio analyse from Playboy centrefolds
2. Fear about taking the initiative because she will be considered aggressive and unfeminine.
3. Fear about having an affair- by him, by her because infidelity sounds the death knell of a relationship.
4. Fear about not being good in bed, with visions of his past encourters dancing in his head.
5. Fear about not getting an orgasm which makes him unhappy and anxious.
6. Fear of being too baggy down there so he can blame his lack of desire on her.
7. Fear of getting older that he looks for younger flesh.
8. Fear of sagging / small breasts what with all the luscious cleavages around.
9. Fear of big fat butt- there is a thick dividing line between J Lo and gross.
10. Fear of not being able to conceive when he wants the patter of little feet.


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