10 Signs You Have A Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut is self inflicted. We can injure the gut lining by taking nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs. We can kill our good bacteria with alcohol, antibiotics, chlorinated drinking water, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals in our food. We also consume lots of sugar in Everyday Life. All thats leads to dcreased intestinal functionand creats those gaps in the intestine.

Holes In Your Stomach

The intestine helps us absorb food nutrients into our bloodstream to nourish the body but the intestine also acts as a barrier. There are a lot of molecules and bacteria that we don't want in our bloodstream. The intestine wall prevents them from getting there. In a person with leaky gut syndrome, the intestine wall becomes more permeable than normal. As a result, alien substances gain access to the body. The immuse system fires up in self defence leading to inflammation and ailments like arthritis, allergies, diabetes, heart problems, Alzheimer's or cancer.

Leaky gut is now being blammed for a lot of our health woes. What are the sign you have leaky gut, here we go

10 Signs You Have Leaky Gut

1. Digestive disorders, gas bloating, diarrhoea or irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Seasonal Allergies.

3. Asthmatic Problems

4. Hormonal Imbalances

5. Autoimmune diease: Rheumatoid arthritis to psoriasis

6. Chronic fatique or fibromyalgia, chronic pain and stiffness in joints

7. Depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder or attention defict hyperactivity disorder

8. Skin issues such as achne, rosacea or eczema

9. Diagnosis of candila overgrowth, leading to fungal infections

10. Food allergies or food intolerance

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