Top Ten Benefits Of Cumin Seeds

Top 10, Health, Life,
Cumin is scientifically known as Cuminum Cyminum and it belongs to family Apiaceae and is extensively used in culinary practices of the Indian Subcontinent and some other Asian, African and Latin American countries as a condiment or spice. Cumin is considered a boost for overall health and is beneficial for even in most dangerous diseases like cancer. Have a look on the following benefits of a spice used in your Everyday Life.

Top 10 Benefits Of Cumin Seeds

1. Cumin Seeds has vitamin C, carotene, iron, potassium, manganese and zinc which help in Liver protection and detoxification. 

2. It improves digestion by stimulating salivation and aids in secretion of pancreatic enzymes, that regulates digestion and absorption of nutrients. 

3. It helps to relieve respiratory infections as it acts as an expectorant by loosing up accumulated phlegm and mucus in respiratory tracts. 

4. It enhances immunity because it is a rich source of vitamin C. 

5. It helps in production of blood cells and platelets which occurs in bone marrow as it has copper and zink. 

6. Regular use of Cumin seeds helps your skin to be free from boils, rashes and pimples as it has cuminaldehyde and thymol and phosphorus which act as detoxifying agents. 

7. It helps to prevent Premature Aging and slow down aging speed as it contains vitamin E. 

8. It protects your skin from itching, body beat, fungal and microbial infections. 

9. It helps to care your skin from eczema, psoriasis and other skin disorders. 

10. It is used for aromatherapy and scalp treatment to get rid of dandruff.

Top Ten Ways To Prevent Dental Erosion

Dental erosion is the erosion of the teeth surface and enamel due to acids you eat or drink and acids coming up from your stomach. These acids can dissolve the crystals that make up your teeth and resulting teeth erosion and soften the surface. 

In Everyday Life routine we do various mistakes which results teeth enamel loss and in addition to it, chipping, breaking, discoloration, sensitivity and even cracks in the teeth may occur which are extremely painful and dental procedures don’t come cheap. Erosion is found initially in the enamel and, if unchecked, may proceed to the underlying dentin. 

The most common cause of erosion is by acidic foods, fruits and drinks. In general, foods and drinks with a pH below 5.0–5.7 have been known to trigger dental erosion effects. Additionally, wine has been shown to erode teeth, with the pH of wine as low as 3.0–3.8. Other possible sources of erosive acids are from exposure to chlorinated swimming pool water, and regurgitation of gastric acids. Plaque is also said to cause tooth erosion because plaque contains bacteria and food debris. These micro-organisms feed on food debris and discharge acidic substances that could cause tooth erosion.

Top 10 Ways To Prevent Dental Erosion

1. Limit intake of acidic beverages. 

2. Avoid too much use of acidic foods and fruit.

3. Eat diary products as these have calcium which helps to prevent dental damage by acid. 

4. Drink a glass of milk in Everyday Life.

5. Rinse your mouth every time after having acidic drink, fruit or fruit.

6. Don't brush your teeth more than 100 secs with a soft and sensitive toothbrush. Brush twice a day and don't go to bed without brushing. Flossing is also necessary for teeth to prevent their erosion.

7. Sugar free chewing gum helps to wash away acid.

8. Avoid consuming of carbonated drinks and wine.

9. Avoid dry mount condition as saliva plays important role in overall oral heath maintenance and prevents teeth erosion. Drink water frequently in small amount instead of having large amount after a long.

10. Use antibacterial agent as eating certain herbs such as sage, oregano, peppermint leaves rinses the acid from the teeth surface. Using antibacterial oils such as peppermint oil, tea tree oil, oil of oregano on the teeth can also be useful in bringing down the micro-organisms in the mouth and also the plaque formation.

Top Ten Cardiology Hospital In India

Top 10 Cardiology Hospital In India

Top 10 Cardiology Hospital In India 

1. All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi 

2. Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore
3. Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi 

4. Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai 

5. B M Birla Heart Research Centre, Kolkata 

6. Manipal Hospital, Banglore 

7. Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai 

8. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education Research, Chandigarh 

9. Christian Medical College, Vellore 

10. Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Top Ten Warning Signs For Heart Attack

In Everyday Life, Heart Attack is the serious problem about which it is important to know its most common symptoms. Heart attacks can start slowly and cause only mild pain or discomfort. 

Symptoms can be mild or more intense and sudden. Symptoms also may come and go over several hours. People who have high blood sugar (diabetes) may have no symptoms or very mild ones. 

The most common symptom, in both men and women, is chest pain or discomfort. 

Top 10 Warning Signs For Heart Attack

Some people don't have symptoms at all. Heart attacks that occur without any symptoms or with very mild symptoms are called silent heart attacks.
1.       Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in centre of the chest
2.       Pain spreading from the chest to the shoulders, jaw, neck, arms and back
3.       Light headedness
4.       Fainting / Sweating
5.       Nausea
6.       Dyspnea (Shortness of breath)
7.       Inability to move after a meal
8.       Fatigue
9.       Sudden panting when climbing steps
10.     Abdominal discomfort

The symptoms of a heart attack can vary from person to person. Some people can have few symptoms and are surprised to learn they've had a heart attack. If you've already had a heart attack, your symptoms may not be the same for another one.

Not all heart attacks begin with the sudden, crushing chest pain that often is shown on TV or in the movies.  for example, one-third of the patients who had heart attacks had no chest pain. These patients were more likely to be older, female, or diabetic.

Top Ten Care For Skin In Summer

In Everyday Life, care for skin is very essential, especially in summer. Skin is the mirror of your health. If you are suffering skin problems, it means something is wrong within body, it may be excess of toxins or constipation. 

You are not taking balanced diet and consequently fat glands are unbalanced. Besides it, you are not caring for your skin externally. Remember your skin is the mirror of your health.

Top 10 Care For Skin In Summer

1. Use oil free moisturizer with SPF 30 which provides protection from sun. Water based sun cream is highly preferred instead of oil based.

2. Drink plenty of fresh water to avoid de-hydration.

3. Use Cleansing milk instead of normal soap.

4. Use such type of light make up that provides moisturizer too.

5. Avoid direct sun expose. Wear full sleeve outfits use umbrella, goggle etc.

6. Wash your face at least thrice a day.

7. Protect your hair with conditioner and ultra violet protection cream.

8. Lip balm is very useful for lip protection. 

9. Use rose water instead of other oily mixtures.

10. Consume cucumber, watermelon, pineapple etc to get hydrated in summer.