Top Ten Ways To Gain New Energy

Do you constantly feel tired in Everyday Life ? Do you wonder why you tire easily? Other questions, which can bug your mind, might be: Do I have an un diagnosed disease causing low energy levels? Does my age, poor diet, stress levels (from thinking what could cause your low energy levels) and persistent lack of sleep cause low energy levels? Calm down friend. Let’s address your concerns in this article, shall we? 

Fatigue is the sophisticated term used by medical professionals to mean a state of lack of energy and a sense of tiredness. Most of us get tired at some point in our lives, right? What probably concerns us more is the persistence of fatigue despite our best efforts to get rid of it. To know how to gain new energy in Everyday Life, read the following points.


1. Get To Bed By 10 PM

Your body does the most repair between the hours of 10 pm and 1 am every night, so try to get to bed early. Make sure you sleep in a dark room because even small amounts of light can disturb restful sleep.

2. Cut Out Processed Food

Given our busy lifestyles, processed foods are the most common foods today. If you opened a can, box or bag for any of your meals today, chances are you were eating a processed food. Processed foods are devoid of nutrition, full of chemicals and rob your body of minerals. They clog your digestive tract and divert energy from healing to digestion.

3. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is fake energy that makes your blood more acidic. It gives you a temporary high and can dehydrate you, making you feel tired. If you need an energy boost, try a drink made with Vitality Super Green instead of a soda or cup of coffee.

4. Eliminate Sugar

Sugar, like caffeine, sets your body up for an energy "crash," and then you just crave more sugar. It also ages your body and feeds energy-robbing infections. Try a no-calorie sugar replacement instead.

5. Include Fermented Foods And Drinks

Fermented drinks full of minerals that also provides you with plenty of probiotics that help you digest food, assimilates nutrients, and boost your immunity. Probiotic liquids are a great choice to boost your energy naturally - and economically and conveniently. You can easily add fermented foods to your diet with cultured vegetables. Cultured vegetables are full of probiotics, vitamin C (important for adrenal and thyroid health) and nutrients. Since fermented foods and drinks aid your digestion and assimilation of foods, your body benefits from doing less work to get a bigger energy boost.

6. Be Hydrated Always

Fatigue happens because of dehydration. You need water for every cellular function in your body. Hydrate first thing in the morning by drinking two glasses of water upon waking, and then slowly sip water throughout the day. About ½ hour before you eat lunch and dinner consume another large glass of water to "prime" your intestines for digestion. The beneficial micro flora benefit as well. Notice how doing this affects your overall energy. Keep in mind that your adrenals control hydration and adrenal fatigue affects your body's ability to hydrate. You could be drinking water and still be dehydrated if your adrenals are weak. Be patient with your body. 

7. Honor Your Body

Each day that you eat healthier than the day before, your body will cleanse and detoxify itself. During each cleanse you will feel tired and even experience cold and flu-like symptoms. Give your body rest and stick with your new habits. This is a very good time to visit a professional colon hydro therapist or do home enemas with nourishing implants. When symptoms of toxic die off pass, you will feel better than ever before. Eat your animal protein in the middle of the day (11 am - 2 pm). Digestion takes up a lot of energy in your body. 

8. Do Regular Exercise

You need adequate exercise during the day to cleanse your blood, get more oxygen, stimulate your digestive tract, and sleep soundly. One of my favourite exercises is rebounding. Rebounding is fun, easy and takes little effort, so you may find you can rebound even if you have chronic fatigue.

9. Vitamin D By Getting Sunshine

Your body needs the vitamin D that your skin manufactures when it's exposed to the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is more common that you think and adversely impacts your health. If you are having problems falling asleep at night, I highly recommend at least 20-30 minutes of early morning sun to reset your internal body clock. Of course, do not check your emails or watch the late night news before retiring. Daily sun can help reset your internal clock so that you feel tired earlier in the evening, making it easier to go to bed around 10 pm.

10. Smile And Practice Gratitude

Do what it takes to decrease stress in your life. Whether that means taking more time for yourself, switching jobs, avoiding toxic people in your life or developing small habits that help you feel relaxed, living a less stressful life is perhaps the most important change you can make to enhance your health.

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