Showing posts with label Lösung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lösung. Show all posts

How To Sharp Your Memory

What Is Memory

It is a network of encoded neurons in the brain. Each memory has a unique pattern of activity and is reconstructed from elements scattered across the brain, when a memory is recalled, the original neural pattern in the hippo campus is reestablished through a process called "Pattern completion" and it fires in sync Neurotransmitters dopa mine and acetylcholine help retain memory by improving the ability of the neurons to embed memories in their connections.

How To Sharpen Your Memory

1. Break the routine, try something new. Brush your teeth with the other hand.

2. Combine senses. smell flowers and watch television.

3. engage senses differently. bathe or gt dressed with eyes closed

4. Exercise and sleep well. the brain is like any other organ. it needs regular stimulation and proper rest.

5. Eat a balanced diet. eat omega 3 fatty acids rich fish, fruits and vegetables. avoid saturated fats.

6. Avoid stress. chronic stress can damage the hippo-campus, he center of memory and emotions.

7. Stop negative self-talk. I hear so many people say, “I am terrible with names,” “I am a bad test taker,” “My memory is terrible.” Stop that! What you tell yourself about your memory will make a difference. Instead say, “I find it easy to remember names and faces,” “I have a good memory,” “I am a good test taker.” Yes, I know, it sounds as corny as all get out—but it works.

8. Walk back in time Physical exercise doesn't just bulk up muscles, it bolsters gray matter, too. Research shows that the memory center in the brain called the hippocampus shrinks as you age, older adults who walk routinely actually gain hippocampus volume.

9. Socialize regularly Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can contribute to memory loss. Look for opportunities to get together with loved ones, friends and others — especially if you live alone. When you're invited to share a meal or attend an event, go!

10. Sleep well Sleep plays an important role in helping you consolidate your memories, so you can recall them down the road. Make getting enough sleep a priority. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a day.

Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn

In Everyday Life, learning of Programming Language may lead you to World Toppest IT Companies like Google, Microsoft etc because programmers are in high demand these days. Their fluency in coding language is invaluable. Knowing various programming languages is a no-brainier for engineers, but a basic understanding of the languages can benefit anyone, even if you're not looking to become a master coder. Grasping some general understanding of coding can help you make the right hires for your business needs, communicate better with the engineers on your team, and prevent any awkward misunderstandings. In addition to the high salaries earned for coding, you might want to consider it for a future career move.

Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn

1. Java

Java is top pick as one of the most popular programming languages, used for building server-side applications to video games and mobile apps. It's also the core foundation for developing Android apps, making it a favorite of many programmers. With its WORA mantra (write once, run anywhere), it's designed to be portable and run happily across multiple software platforms. I first got started with Java server programming back in 1999--it was so exciting, I actually wrote a few books about it. Java is everybody's pal! 

 2. JavaScript

JavaScript (which, confusingly, is not at all related to Java) is another favorite programming language because it's so ubiquitous on the web--it's basically everywhere. JavaScript allows developers to add interactive elements to their website, and its presence is felt across the internet. At WordStream, we use a JavaScript library called JQuery to make our JavaScript work even easier. Python 

3. C 

If you saw C on a report card, you'd be pretty bummed. Maybe a bit confused, too (is it actually a B-?). However, C is not the bizarrely bad grade it seems to be. It's often the first programming language taught in college (well, it was for me 10 years ago). I thought it was a nice "in-between" language in that it was object oriented without having to be fanatical about it. It was also low level enough to be close to hardware, but no so low level that you had to do everything manually. Because there are so many C compilers, you can write stuff in C and have it run pretty much anywhere. 

4. Python

Python is a one-stop shop. There's a Python framework for pretty much anything, from web apps to data analysis. In fact, WordStream is written in Python! You're the best bud. Python is often heralded as the easiest programming language to learn, with its simple and straightforward syntax. Python has risen in popularity due to Google's investment in it over the past decade (in fact, one recent study has shown Python to be the most commonly taught programming language in U.S. schools). Other applications built with Python include Pinterest and Instagram. Ruby 

5.  C# 

C# (pronounced C-sharp, not C-hashtag for you Twitter fans) is the language used in order to develop Microsoft apps. C# is syntactically nearly identical to Java. I've spent much time training with C#, but if you're good at Java, you'll likely have an easy time jumping onto C#. If you're looking to work on Microsoft apps, C# is the way to go. C# opens a lot of Windows (har-har). This is one of the primary languages for developing on Microsoft platforms and services. It’s the quickest way to utilize whatever Microsoft has to offer, be it Azure and .NET apps, or even apps for windows devices. C# is also the basis of the popular unity game development engine as one of its primary languages. With C++, you can go a little lower level with your programming. C++ allows you to connect directly with hardware so that you get the most out of your processing power. Hence, C++ is the perfect choice that develops powerful desktop software along with hardware accelerated games and memory intensive apps.

6. PHP 

PHP (which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, if you care to know) is often used in conjunction with dynamic data-heavy websites and app development. It provides a ton of power and is the beating heart of monster sites like WordPress and Facebook. What's really cool about PHP is that it's an open-source language, so there are tons of free pre-built modules that you can grab and modify to get your ideal results. PHP is also on the easy end of the learning spectrum, simply requiring you to embed the code within HTML. PHP is a must-learn language for aspiring web developers. PHP is a database like MySQL that is an essential tool for building modern web applications. Today, PHP powers a majority of today’s data-driven websites. It is also the foundation technology for powerful CMS such as WordPress, which can be extended to make your website more powerful.

7. Objective-C

Objective-C is the programming language behind iOS apps. Apple's new language Swift is rising in the ranks, but Objective-C is still the recommended starting point for those looking to craft Apple apps for iPhones and iPads. Next stop--the iOS App Store! 

8. SQL

SQL is a database query language (SQL stands for Structured Query Language) that's ideal when talking big data. SQL lets you siphon helpful data from massive databases. Nearly every app has a backend database, and SQL is the language that helps you interact with that sweet data. In terms of software development, SQL isn't ever used alone--rather, you invoke SQL from some other programming knowledge and you have yourself a nice package deal. 

9. C 

C is the predecessor to more complex programming languages like Java and C#. C is best when you want to work small and when dealing with low-level applications. It's widely used for embedded systems like the firmware of your television or the operating system of an airplane, as well as computer operating systems like Windows. For me personally, C was more of an academic language. It was nice to learn how to write a kernel back in college, and you gain a more solid understanding of how newer languages work under the covers, but it's rare for most application developers to ever have to use this today. There you have it--the king languages of coding. What's your programming language of choice and why? If you're a newbie looking to dive into coding, take a look at these nine spots on the web where you can learn to code (for free)! You'll be a code master in no time.

10. Swift

Swift is very young, yet it has captured the imagination of developers worldwide. It is a new fast and easy way to develop for Apple’s Mac and iOS operating systems. It consists of a broad powerful and friendly syntax that makes it possible for anyone with a Mac to build a killer app for Mac OS X or iOS.

Top 10 Reasons Why Pet Lovers Are Healthier And Happier

Owning pets is associated with reducing your risk of heart disease , and there are a variety of reasons that may be at work that influence this relationship. It may be that healthier people are more likely to be pet owners or that people with dogs tend to exercise more. Pets also play a role in providing social support to their owners, which is an important factor in helping you stick with a new habit or adopting a new healthy behavior.

Have you ever noticed that you feel better when you're around your pet?
It's true. Spending quality time with a dog, cat or other animal can have a positive impact on your mood and your health. Pets can be calming stress-fighters. The pet owners, on average, were better off than non-owners, especially when they have a higher- quality relationship with their pets. For some active people, that includes playing ball or Frisbee in the park. For others who can’t get outside, just petting your dog can help you feel connected.

Top 10 Reasons Why Pet Lovers Are Happier And Healthier

1. A Healthier Heart

Your dog may make you less likely to get heart disease .
Why? Dog owners walk more and have lower blood
pressure than people who don't have dogs.
Pets can also be good for you if you already have heart
problems. Heart attack survivors and people with serious abnormal
heart rhythms who own dogs live longer than people with
the same heart problems who don't have pets, studies

2. Stress Soothers

Petting your cat or dog feels good. It can lower your blood
pressure, helps your body release a relaxation hormone,
and cuts down on levels of a stress hormones.

3. Better Mood, More Meaning

People with pets are generally happier, more trusting, and less lonely than those who don't have pets. They also visit the doctor less often for minor problems. One reason for that may be that your pet gives you a sense of belonging and meaning, You feel like you have greater control of your life.

4. Benefits for Baby’s Immune Syste

Babies raised in families that have pets may be less likely
to get allergies and asthma. Babies with dogs or cats at home have fewer colds and ear infections during their first year than babies living in pet-free homes, one study found.

5. Social Support for Autistic Children

Kids tend to relate better to their classmates who have
autism when pets are in the classroom, Beck has found in
his research. Animals change the classroom environment and help to
integrate those who are a little less typical. Once the children get involved with animals, they view each other more positively and work together better.

6. Pets Are Natural Mood Enhancers

There are so many benefits to a human-animal bond that exceeds what is observed on the outside. Pet parents are generally happier, not as lonely, and tend to be more trusting. Companion pets can also give you a sense of meaning and boost your self-esteem, and they provide you with positive mental energy, by raising serotonin and dopamine levels while decreasing cortisol, just from playing or having a snuggle session.

7. Pets Get You To Interact With Other People

Pets can help you with your social life! This is particularly true with dog parents due to going out on walks and playing at the public park. People seem to be more inclined to talk if you have a dog with you and the topic of dogs is an excellent icebreaker for conversation starters. Having an interest in animals is a great way to connect with others in social situations and may even help you to overcome your issue with social awkwardness.

8. Having A Pet Can Help Keep Blood Pressure Under Control

Most of us are cuddled up with our pet while relaxing or watching TV. Petting your cat or dog helps your body release a relaxation
hormone and cuts down on levels of a stress hormone, which can lower your blood pressure. Pet owners have lower blood pressure and
lower heart rates during rest than non-pet owners. Petting a dog has also been shown to lower blood pressure in children with hypertension.

9. Animals Can Help You Develop Immunity To Asthma And Allergies

Interestingly, studies have found that animals, specifically cats in the home, can help develop human immunity to asthma and other allergies. Some studies show that babies raised in families that have pets may be less likely to get allergies and asthma . They also have fewer colds and ear infections during their first year than babies living in pet-free homes.

10. Pets Can Help Ward Off Depression

These days, if you seek treatment for depression, your therapists may well prescribe, a pet. They can help one deal with and even recover from depression. Those of us with pets know no one who loves you more than your pet. Whatever mood you’re in, whether you got a promotion or a pink slip, your pet is there for you. Pets also help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression in the chronically ill.

"Breakfast Like A King" Right For Everyday Life ?

"Breakfast means breaking the fast and it may be true that
having a good long fast is important".

"Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper".

Are these quotes are right and hold true even today in this scientific age. Whether we are able to collow this in practice. In cities dinner is the heaviest meal and lunch is gulped down at desk. Beakfast is very often missed or eaten in a hury.

This common and simple quote is a great way to remember how to eat throughout the day. You should start the morning by eating a full, balanced and healthy diet with no real exemptions. As the day progresses, you should start to eat light and eat less carbs near the evening. This helps your metabolism progressively continue to work; as a result, towards the end of the day, you should sleep easily without feeling too full. Your body will continue to work throughout sleep and be ready in the morning for the cycle again. You should take
in consideration if you're a morning person or night/evening as you may have to tweak this little saying a bit.


Many people have the misconception that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. However, doing this may actually cause you to snack throughout the day, eat more at your next meal, and negatively impact your mood. Breakfast boosts your metabolism first thing in the morning. It curbs your hunger, prevents binge eating later in the day, and stabilizes your blood sugar. In addition, eating a fiber- rich breakfast helps you fill up and keeps you full for longer so that you do not consume extra calories throughout the day.

Most at Start But Least at The End of Day

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and it is the meal that the body uses to top up its glucose levels after eight to twelve hours of
fasting. Glucose is vital for the brain and it’s the main energy source for the body. As well, it also fuels the muscles that are necessary for
physical activity through the day. If you skip breakfast, you will have a shorter attention span, be less alert, take longer to react, have
low blood sugar, and decreased productivity. At lunch time, eat a substantial meal to fuel you for the afternoon but make sure that it
isn’t too heavy. Essentially, it should be a medium-sized meal – smaller than breakfast but larger than dinner. If you eat a large meal at dinner, which is traditional in most homes, weight gain can occur as the body cannot use all the energy in the food and thus stores it as fat instead. A
heavy meal at dinner can also cause sleep disturbances. We need the most energy at the beginning of the day, and the least energy at the end, when most daily tasks are over and we are relaxing.
Eat according to the needs of your day. If you have an office or other sedentary jobs, eat lighter meals.  If your job is more active, eat
foods that provide sustained energy.If you are very athletic and train hard, then you will need more nourishment towards the end of the day,
to sustain your training needs.

Body Clock Controls Metabolism

Research has shown that the body’s ability to make use of the sugar in food fluctuates throughout the day, in tune with the body’s own clock.
And if the body clock is disturbed, it is easy to put on weight. We could benefit from timing their meals to be in tune the body clock.
This would mean lunch being the biggest meal of the day. The evening meal should be light and post-dinner snacks avoided. If food is eaten at the wrong time of day, the body stores more fat. The biological clock controls our metabolism, so the way in which we metabolise the same foods during the day and night is different.

Top 10 Easy Ways To Boost Your Spirit

In Everyday Life, you may have up and down, you may feel down or uptight, you should remember always these line "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle". 

You need to look for positive and find things to appreciate throughout the day. Smile, even if you are not in the situation. You tend to experience the positive consequences to elevate your happiness and spirit.

It's not easy being upbeat when life's little bumps—from looming work deadlines to a streak of cloudy days—can easily send your mood sinking and stress levels soaring. These 10 small, feel-good moves offer a major mood boost:-

1. Just Breathe 

Typically, when you're distraught, your breathing quickens and becomes shallow. These changes in breathing are bound to add to your stress and make you more uncomfortable than you already are. You can counter such distress with this quick breathing technique:

i)  Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. 

ii) Breathe in slowly, concentrating on inflating your abdomen first and then       
    your chest. 

iii) Exhale slowly, quietly saying the word "relax" as the air goes out. 

iv) Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for at least ten breaths.

2. Crank Up Your Favorite Tunes

Music has inspiring power as sound influence the mind and body and it helps to boost your mood. So put on some feel good music, turn off the TV, forget everything else and really absorb it. Then feel the tension ease away and your spirits lift. It works even better if you dance around the room. 

3.  Go For A Walk

The weather may not permit for you to just stroll outside at any given time, even when bundled up, but on the milder days, the fresh air and sunshine will do wonders for your soul. The benifits of a good stroll are ceretainly endless. Walking improve self esteem relieve dpression, anxiety and improve mood. Apart from health benefits and feel good hormones released from being active, being outdoors in th fresh air and surrounded by nature brigs an added boost.

4. Pacify With Pets 

Studies have shown that pets promote better moods and possibly better health. In fact, one study suggests that petting dogs helps reduce blood pressure. Therefore, if you don't have a pet, consider getting one, or at least borrowing a friend's from time to time. Watching animals play is delightful, and petting them seems to soothe the body.

5. Catch Up With A Friend

When it comes to feeling happy, people who regularly have coffee, for instance with a close friend are happier than those who focus more on bigger rewards, like expensive holidays. Interaction with friends is especially important as we get older. Friends enable you to forget about work an chores.

6. Stay In The Present

Remember that most of what upsets you has to do with the past or the future. You may feel guilty and depressed about events from the past, and you may feel anxious about events that have not yet occurred and often never will. To snap yourself out of this trap, focus on what's actually happening around you right now. Notice your breathing. Feel your feet on the ground. Notice the firmness of your chair. Pay attention to the temperature. Look around you and observe. Don't judge. Just observe, and breathe.

7. Browse Old Photos

Whether it is a wedding or a holiday when the children were young, why not dust off those old photo albums and indulge in the memories. A healthy dose of nostalgia can be comforting an reviving. Going through old albums and memorabilia can reconnect you with the god times you shared with family or get together with your friends. Even small details that you have forgotten can bring back some of those past feelings.

8. Feel The Big Chill 

This technique sounds pretty weird, but it works. When your distress feels intense, fill a sink or large bowl with ice water (that's right, ice water), take a deep breath, and immerse your face in the water for 30 seconds or so. It's not as terrible as it sounds. This calming technique is believed to work because it elicits what's known as the body's dive reflex. When you're in ice-cold water, the body slows its metabolism in order to spare vital organs. A slowed metabolism reduces tension, so when your face is in ice water, your metabolism slows, your tension goes down, and you stop fretting about the things that are bothering you and your negative mind chatter ceases.

9. Do A Good Deed

Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness. It promotes happiness through all sorts of ways, including bringing people together and encouraging everyone to be more giving. Helping other is not only good for them and a great thing to do generally, it makes us happier and heather. To show kindness everywhere and when we take them we find life to be so much more meaningful and rewarding. 

10. Take A Selfie 

There’s nothing wrong with the indulgent selfie! Share it on Facebook and Instagram. You are fabulous. Taking a little glamour photo when you feel your best can really boost your mood. Sharing and Posting your Selfie enhances your mood for happiness. Friend reply and comment will be absolutely make you to smile in every situation.

How Much Stress In Everyday Life

In Everyday Life, you may be under normal stress due to many reason in todays busy life but how much stress is normal. This depends and differs from person to person. If a person is high strung, greater will be the level of stress but in case of laid back person, it will be lower level.

Self Assessment For Your Stress Level

A good way to judge if you are too tense is if your relationship, job and mental or physical health hyve deteriorated. Has your sleep or appetite changed ? Do you still enjoy things those have given you pleasure in past ?

If any of above factors has shifted, you may be in stress overide which means you need to pinpoint the source of your tension and ideally eliminate it. If your biggest thorn is sotething you can not get rid of , sd uch as nagging in laws, try to eliminate your exposure. Once a month visit instead of dinner every Sunday.

It is more vital how you react to stress. Do you shut down or spread negativity? Once you have handle on that, you can work on developing a healthier responce like releasing those bottled up feelings at the gym or chatting eith supportive friend.

Learning to prepare for stress can help, too. If talking to your landlord gets you riled up, put yourself in your comfort zone by listening to soothing music before you pick up the phone so you are less affected by the conversion. Remember once you recognize the problem, you have the power to fix it.

Your Senses Alert You

The nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ, dedicated
to each sense. Humans have a multitude of senses . There are following five traditionally recognised senses:-

Sight (ophthalmoception),
Hearing (audioception),
Taste (gustaoception),
Smell (olfacoception or olfacception) and
Touch (tactioception)

Your sensory organs can offer warning signs of serious health problems. See following few symptoms and their meaning:-

Loss of Smell

Cold and sinus infections can temporarily knock out the nerve ending responsible for smell. If your sense of smell does not return in a week or so, or if you lose your sense of smell suddenly for no apparent reason, visit to doctor. It may indicate nasal polyps or benign growth in the nose and may also be associated with brain tumors or diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Strange or Foul Odours with no Apparent Source

Smelling rotten eggs, burning electrical wires or other phantom odururs may be a precursors to serious conditions such as epilepsy or brain tumors. It may also be a reaction to prescription drugs, such as some thyroid and antiseizure medications.

Loss of Taste

Most people mistake a loss of smell for a loss of taste, since the two sensory organs are so closely related. Put a pinch of salt on your tongue. If you can taste it, then what you have lost is your sense of smell. If you can not taste the salt, see your doctor. Loss of taste can indicate a stroke or brain tumor.

Tingling, Burning or Numb Sensation

Unless your arm has fallen asleep from lack of use, any suspicious tingling or burning sensation in your limbs, especially in your fingers and arms, could be an early warning sign of heart attack or stroke. If tingling skin is accompanied by a feeling of pressure on the chest, call for emergency help.

How To Deal With Grief

What Is Grief

Grief is the natural reaction to loss. Grief is both a universal and a personal experience. Individual experiences of grief vary and are influenced by the nature of the loss. Some examples of loss include the death of a loved one, the ending of an important relationship, job loss, loss through theft or the loss of independence through disability.

No one is ever prepared to lose a loved one. Whether it was expected or not, it still comes accompanied by shock. Even though we know rationally that death is inescapable we always hope that it won’t or won’t yet happen. Even though grief is an experience that feels like you are going crazy, there are a range of reactions and responses that are normal. Some of the possible reactions may be on the emotional, physical, cognitive, behavioral and spiritual level. ‘Normal’ does however not mean that they are in any way easy to experience.
In the following article we will look at the emotional, physical and cognitive reactions.

Emotional reactions may include

Anxiety and fear
Feeling powerless and hopeless or helpless
Feeling irritable and frustrated

Physical reactions may include

Loss of appetite
Sensitivity to various stimuli, in particular noise
Muscular tension

Cognitive reactions may include

Obsessive thinking
Apathy or numbness
Looping thinking and continuous ‘what if’ scenarios
Disorientation and confusion
Lack of motivation and focus

How To Deal With Grief Effectively

A person who understands realities simply allows thoughts to take place. Thoughts come and go automatically. A wise person experiences hunger and thirst as well as emotions, these do not affect his fullness. Such a person knows these are all me and i am more than all of them. Knowing the nature of realities, the wise do not sustain thoughts of grief.

1. A thought is momentary, it comes and goes.
2. Express your feelings in a tangible or creative way
3. Look after your physical health
4. Don't let anyone tell you how to feel, and don't tell yourself how to feel either
5. Plan ahead for grief “triggers.”

10 Things Not To Do In Office

In Everyday Life,  office etiquette is most important because
bad manners at work can be bad for business by negatively affecting employee morale and productivity. To ensure a happy and productive work environment, every employee should act as a role model
by demonstrating the following 10 good manners:
1. Avoid Gossip and office politics
Do not indulge in office gossip. It may be fine to comment on office happenings but it should be limited. Do not take active participation in gossiping. You may hurt the sentiments of someone who is working with you. Office gossip tends to spread rumors. A rumor about co-
workers, your seniors or yourself can spoil relations . You can even lose your job due to extreme gossiping. Always remember too much of gossiping in office is unhealthy. Also avoid being part of office politics. You have been appointed to do a specific job and you must give your
best shot it. Your career is more important that empty words that do no good to anyone. If this countdown list is not convincing enough, simply
imagine if you owned your office.
2. Do not Discuss Personnel
It is always wise not to bring your work to home and avoid bringing your personal concerns at workplace. Do not discuss your worries and tragedies with co-workers during working hours. Avoid talking about husband-wife fights, love problems, financial hurdles and other such topics. It may have a negative impact on work efficiency. Focus on the present and it will provide you some mental space away from your problems.
3. Avoid use of office technology for personal use
You must be responsible while using office technology like telephones , fax machines, printers and computers. Making never ending personal calls from office phone, online chatting , using social networking sites, visiting banned websites or watching videos show highly unprofessional behaviour. One must use these only for office work. Limit personal use if it is important to use it.
4. Dress Sense
Appearances do matter. Coordinating with office dress code is very important. One should always follow rules regarding the dress code. Avoid wearing casual wear to office. Wearing T-shirt and a pair of jeans to office exhibits unprofessional attitude. Formal outfits such as
suits, shirts , trousers, coats are advisable for men. Women can wear formals like trousers paired with shirts and semi-formals like jeans paired with kurtis. Indian wear like salwar kameez and saris can be a good option for work wear.
5. Avoid Chatting
Do not keep on chatting without reason. Constant chatting with co-workers can disturb everyone. Keep your conversations short and crisp when you are working. You can indulge in small conversations but
do not disturb the work environment with constant babbling.
6. Honesty is The Best Policy
Always handle office property such as machines, furniture and electronic equipments with care. Do not be harsh while using office property. Act responsible while handling important materials such as files, folders, documents and confidential data. Do not waste electricity by keeping the electronic gadgets switched on when not in use. Though
office belongings are not your personal possessions taking care of them is your duty. 'Honesty is the best Policy', is still the way to go.
7. Avoid Fooding On Office Table
Do not eat near or on your desk. Accidents do happen and you do not want to ruin important documents or your keyboard. Some offices may allow eating at desks but it is advisable to eat lunch at office canteens or other places. Clean the clutter after eating. Take proper
precaution not to mess up the place where you are going 5to eat. Make use of tissues and dustbins.
8. Do not stay absent without genuine reason
Taking an off from work and giving fake reasons about ill health is highly irresponsible behavior. As an employee you have official holidays and leaves. Do take advantage of these leaves. Bunking office because you are bored is not sensible as you tend to put a work pressure on your co-workers without any genuine reason. If you have genuine reasons for being absent from office inform your colleague or the Human Resource in charge. Provide all details of pending work and submissions. Make sure you are available on your mobile.
9. Avoid being late
Do not arrive late at office. Always be on time. Record of coming late can lay a bad impression on your superiors and bosses. It is better to arrive five minutes earlier or on time. When you come late, you need more time to settle down and you end up wasting time which can be used to complete important tasks. If you have a genuine reason
for coming late, inform the designated person stating the reason of delay. It shows that you are responsible.
10. Time Management
Plan your time at office and stick to the plan. Follow your schedule strictly. Have your lunch at the time provided. If there is no fixed lunch time, do not stretch it long. Follow the office rules. Avoid leaving office before its official timing. Do not take longer breaks in between work and wasting time unnecessarily. Be accountable for every action you take and act responsible towards your duties. Avoid procrastinating. Grab a cup of hot tea and finish your task completely. You feel a great sense of accomplishment once you are done.


In Everyday Life
we faces many problems. Some are solved easily depending upon past experience but new problems always create stressful movements in our daily life. 

      At start no Losung may appear to such kind of problems.

 Lets have a look upon these measures to deal with everyday life dilemma and quandary.


          Firstly, you have to decide intelligently whether you are really in problem or not. Don’t try to avoid your problems. Deal with them with tricks. You can make the list of your problems, what are your feelings with them and how can you deal with them. If you see yourself unable to deal with, don’t try to solve. you will not get any benefit, only stress will come to your life.


Its time to describe your problem before its Losung. Focus on it, what is situation, how can I deal with it, what are the facts with it and concentrate on it.


In order to know whether you have solved your problems, it is important to know ahead of time what a solved problem would look like. Follow these three mantra:-

       Be realistic 

       Be specific 

       Start with short-term goals


The biggest mistake that we tend to make when finding solutions for our problems is to think about the same old solutions. However, if those old solutions worked, the problem would not still be around. Be specific and you can ask for help for doing following:-




If you struggle with anxiety, actually picking a solution to your problem can often seem quite difficult. However, it is important to remember that not solving a problem can lead to more anxiety than trying to solve it, no matter how anxious you feel. The following are some guidelines that can help you find the best solution to your problem.

Will this solution fix my problem and help me reach my goals 
How much time and effort does this solution involve 
How will I feel if I pick this solution

What are the costs and benefits of this solution to myself and others, right now and in the long-term?

The best solution will have the most benefits and the fewest costs possible. But when thinking about costs and benefits you want to think about how a solution will affect:

You right now and in the future

Other people in your life right now and in the future

There is no perfect solution, so when you are judging each potential solution it is unlikely that it will meet all four criteria. That is, it probably won’t solve the problem with no time or effort, make you feel happy while doing it, and have no costs and only benefits. You are looking for a solution that BEST meets the criteria, not perfectly


This is often the most difficult step because you now have to actually start carrying out the solution you chose. Most people are afraid that they might have picked the wrong solution, or that perhaps there is a better solution if they just think about the problem more. This is not helpful thinking: it is better to act than to do nothing at all.

To help you carry out your solution, you can make an action plan. If you know how you are going to carry out your solution, you are more likely to follow through.

Your plan should include all the steps that you will need to take to carry out the solution, and it should be as specific and concrete as possible


Classic Shell is free software that improves your productivity, enhances the usability of Windows and empowers you to use the computer the way you like it. 

The main features are:-

Highly customization start menu with multiple styles and skins Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs 

Find programs, settings, files and documents 

Start button for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 

Toolbar and status bar for Windows Explorer 

Caption and status bar for Internet Explorer


Everyday you can see road accident in your daily commute, think about the situation when someone want to inform your family, office or relative near to you, how can he find that and how should we all guy keep such valuable information with us all the time.
Think another situation, your phone is lost by you. You may forget it anywhere in your everyday life busy schedule. And someone, we can say honest guy , impossible nowadays :-) want to return your phone but your phone is locked, think how can he help him to find you.
So guys, here is a fantastic and cool way to carry your contact information for emergency even if your mobile is locked. Its your smart phone locked screen. Yes, there is an option as follow
Setting >> Security >> Lock Screen >> Contact Info / Owner Info


You may feel there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more control over stress than you might think. Stress management is all about taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control.

Increase RAM of your Android Phone

RAM is a very essential part of any electronic machine that works on a software based platform and helps you achieve many things. Well normally high end devices come with a good amount of RAM that sufficient to play latest games and do more stuff. Well but if you unluckily went for the budget phone then you might be struggling with the lower RAM issues. Well today I will be showing you how you can easily convert your SD Card into phone RAM hence increasing your speed.

Methods to Increase RAM of Android Device

Increase your RAM space with two best methods which allow boosting and increasing the RAM space of your smart phone or gadget which runs with the android OS of outdated versions. Both the methods are absolutely free of charge while the initial method is based up on using an application from Google Play Store and the other method allows user to increase the RAM space manually. 

Ist Methond:-

 Increase Android operated smart gadget RAM space by installing and running an application called ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP). ROEHSOFT RAM Expander is an amazing app which allows the users to users of Android operated smart gadgets to create partitions as of like hard disk of a desktop on the SC card or Memory card so as to utilize the SD card or memory card as an extended RAM. Which means the more space on your SD card or Memory card so vast would be your RAM space and acts as a Virtual RAM for your Android phone. Download ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP) (PREMIUM)* Steps to download ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP) 

Step 1: Open Google Play Store in your android device. 
Step 2: Browse for ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP) in App store. 
Step 3: Tap on to install option and install App in your Android device. 
Step 4: Open the ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP) app and increase the app. 


 We commend every user to check if your device is compatible to ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP) app. Features of ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER (SWAP) app are as follow – Free SD card memory as a RAM use (SWAP RAM / SWAP MEMORY) – Swapfile RAM expansion up to 4.0 GB (file system limit) – No limit on SWAP partition! – The usual performance degradation when paged not occur with sd card from class-8 – Widget for PNP swap (swap on / off swap) – Detailed Memory Information & Analysis – Autorun – Swappiness kernel parameter set – Easy foolproof use


 FREE METHOD TO INCREASE RAM FOR YOUR ANDROID SMART PHONE This this method of increasing RAM of Android smart gadget has the following requirements, Ensure that your gadget has higher or class 4 micro SD Card Rooted Android Smart Phone or tablet. A Windows OS operated PC SD Card compatible reader Simple guide to Increase RAM of your Android smart gadget


 Specified Android Phone/Gadget must supports swapping. We caution the user to check once again if your device supports the application thus test it installing the app MemoryInfo & Swapfile Check. 

STEP 2: 

Sectionalize your micro SD Card which is being used as the secondary memory in your android device. Use any tool to partition your smart micro SD card we suggest you to use Mini tool partition wizard. CLICK here to download mini tool partition wizard. Optimize your memory card inserting it into the SD Card compatible reader and connecting it with the PC so as to make internal space partitions of it. Download and install the open Mini tool partition and format the inserted SD card. Create partitions by right clicking on inserted SD card and select the partition as primary and file system as FAT32 for card more than 4GB. Entrust about 1 GB memory for next partition. Click on to’ Done’ and again click on make partition option select primary partition but change the file system to EXT2, EXT3 or EXT4. Apply all the changes so as to make partition completed. 


 Link with your Rooted Android Device. Link your micro SD card with your rooted android device. Browse Google Play Store and download Link2SD. CLICK here to download Link2SD. Download and launch Link2SD app and give root permission choosing the “.ext” partition and start linking them. 

STEP 4: 

Increase RAM for your Android Device In order to increase the RAM of your Android smart gadget you need to download Swapper for Root. Download and launch Swapper for Root app and select the amount of RAM you want to increase which creates a .swp file increasing the RAM of your Android Device. Congratulations, here you are with an increased RAM in your android smart gadget and thus experience all the high end applications in your smart gadget irrespective of the version of OS. On a concluding note we would like to state that all the above cited and stated process has been experimented before framing the post. We and or neither our blog is responsible if your smart gadget or micro SC card malfunctions due to your unconsult ill steps which are not stated above. Readers would get desired results if they follow up the above stated process as it is. The sole motive of this post is to enlighten the smart gadget users. 

Whatapps on PC

       is currently the best way to run Android apps on Windows. It doesn’t replace your entire operating system. Instead, it runs Android apps within a window on your Windows desktop. This allows you to use Android apps just like any other program. BlueStacks also includes support for easy installation of apps from Google Play, so the process is as seamless as possible. Even better, BlueStacks runs Android apps and games with surprisingly good performance.
This solution can’t replace Windows with Android, but that’s not a bad thing — competing solutions that allow you to dual boot Android with Windows are currently unstable. This is only a solution for running Android apps on Windows.  Unlike many of the other options here, this is a fairly stable and polished experience.
                         is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends.
In addition to basic messaging WhatsApp users can create groups, send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages.
Step to install on PC
1. Download the BlueStacks on Computer and install it
2. Download the Whatapps apk file on your system. As the BlueStacks is installed at your system, now the Whatapps will also be installed on your machine. So install the Whatapps Apk file.
3. Click on the BlueStack icon on your desktop to open it
4. Click on My Apps
5. Select Whatapps and Click on it
6. Accept terms and condition as follows
7. Type your mobile No. with country code (+91 for india) when asked
8. Next step is to verify your no., choose call me option
9. Note down the code, and type it in verification field.
10. Now enjoy Whatapps on your desktop, congratulation !!!!