Showing posts with label Top-10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top-10. Show all posts

Top Ten Ways To Gain New Energy

Do you constantly feel tired in Everyday Life ? Do you wonder why you tire easily? Other questions, which can bug your mind, might be: Do I have an un diagnosed disease causing low energy levels? Does my age, poor diet, stress levels (from thinking what could cause your low energy levels) and persistent lack of sleep cause low energy levels? Calm down friend. Let’s address your concerns in this article, shall we? 

Fatigue is the sophisticated term used by medical professionals to mean a state of lack of energy and a sense of tiredness. Most of us get tired at some point in our lives, right? What probably concerns us more is the persistence of fatigue despite our best efforts to get rid of it. To know how to gain new energy in Everyday Life, read the following points.


1. Get To Bed By 10 PM

Your body does the most repair between the hours of 10 pm and 1 am every night, so try to get to bed early. Make sure you sleep in a dark room because even small amounts of light can disturb restful sleep.

2. Cut Out Processed Food

Given our busy lifestyles, processed foods are the most common foods today. If you opened a can, box or bag for any of your meals today, chances are you were eating a processed food. Processed foods are devoid of nutrition, full of chemicals and rob your body of minerals. They clog your digestive tract and divert energy from healing to digestion.

3. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is fake energy that makes your blood more acidic. It gives you a temporary high and can dehydrate you, making you feel tired. If you need an energy boost, try a drink made with Vitality Super Green instead of a soda or cup of coffee.

4. Eliminate Sugar

Sugar, like caffeine, sets your body up for an energy "crash," and then you just crave more sugar. It also ages your body and feeds energy-robbing infections. Try a no-calorie sugar replacement instead.

5. Include Fermented Foods And Drinks

Fermented drinks full of minerals that also provides you with plenty of probiotics that help you digest food, assimilates nutrients, and boost your immunity. Probiotic liquids are a great choice to boost your energy naturally - and economically and conveniently. You can easily add fermented foods to your diet with cultured vegetables. Cultured vegetables are full of probiotics, vitamin C (important for adrenal and thyroid health) and nutrients. Since fermented foods and drinks aid your digestion and assimilation of foods, your body benefits from doing less work to get a bigger energy boost.

6. Be Hydrated Always

Fatigue happens because of dehydration. You need water for every cellular function in your body. Hydrate first thing in the morning by drinking two glasses of water upon waking, and then slowly sip water throughout the day. About ½ hour before you eat lunch and dinner consume another large glass of water to "prime" your intestines for digestion. The beneficial micro flora benefit as well. Notice how doing this affects your overall energy. Keep in mind that your adrenals control hydration and adrenal fatigue affects your body's ability to hydrate. You could be drinking water and still be dehydrated if your adrenals are weak. Be patient with your body. 

7. Honor Your Body

Each day that you eat healthier than the day before, your body will cleanse and detoxify itself. During each cleanse you will feel tired and even experience cold and flu-like symptoms. Give your body rest and stick with your new habits. This is a very good time to visit a professional colon hydro therapist or do home enemas with nourishing implants. When symptoms of toxic die off pass, you will feel better than ever before. Eat your animal protein in the middle of the day (11 am - 2 pm). Digestion takes up a lot of energy in your body. 

8. Do Regular Exercise

You need adequate exercise during the day to cleanse your blood, get more oxygen, stimulate your digestive tract, and sleep soundly. One of my favourite exercises is rebounding. Rebounding is fun, easy and takes little effort, so you may find you can rebound even if you have chronic fatigue.

9. Vitamin D By Getting Sunshine

Your body needs the vitamin D that your skin manufactures when it's exposed to the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is more common that you think and adversely impacts your health. If you are having problems falling asleep at night, I highly recommend at least 20-30 minutes of early morning sun to reset your internal body clock. Of course, do not check your emails or watch the late night news before retiring. Daily sun can help reset your internal clock so that you feel tired earlier in the evening, making it easier to go to bed around 10 pm.

10. Smile And Practice Gratitude

Do what it takes to decrease stress in your life. Whether that means taking more time for yourself, switching jobs, avoiding toxic people in your life or developing small habits that help you feel relaxed, living a less stressful life is perhaps the most important change you can make to enhance your health.

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Top 10 Tell Tale Signs You Are Stuck In Wrong Job

Everyday Life at your workplace is becoming a drag for you and you feel no excitement about the job, so do you move out or stay back ?
When we take up a job, it seems like a dream come true. But then, slowly and steadly, reality sets in and you reliase this was not what you had ever wanted to do. Then why should you have to spend most of Everyday Life in doing what you dont like and is miserable. How would you decide this job is right for you or is this the time for searching for right job right now ?
Top 10 Signs You Are Stuck In Wrong Job
1. Your skill and interest doesn't macth with your job specifications or the position you are working on.
2. You are getting the salary as per your expectation, is it the job role or is it the work environment.
3. You are consistently getting poor feedback, work life has more negative comments and few rewards.
4. You aren’t gaining new skills or you don’t feel challenged.
5. You don’t find joy in the victories at work.
6. You don’t feel your work is valued.
7. You realize growth opportunities are severely limited.
8. You hate it when a new acquaintance asks what you do.
9. You’ve lost respect for your boss.
10. You’ve got an "itch" for a new job that is overwhelming.
So if you are feeling stuck and detached at work, try to shift gears and get back the excitement. If that still doesn't help, then you are the best person to decide the next step. One should initially stick with the plan and try to work and put in all efforts in right direction patiently. Give at least 6-7 months to the job to completely understand the actual scenario and afer that take a better decision.

How To Avoid Harmful Mobile Radiation

Everyday, you can see the increase in use of gadget day by day. The contribution of these gadgets to growth of the economy is unquestionable but ill effect of radiations from laptop, wifi router etc is similar as that of mobile but mobile should be on first priority to be looked upon because of vast increase in mobile phone users.
Electro Smog
Every mobile user is a moving source of harmful radio frequency radiation.This pollution is called 'Electro Smog'. This 'Electro Smog' was very strong during world war when power radiating sources were at long distance and radiated power was very high. As a result, this induces the change in the humsn body cells. As a result, many cases of cancer were reported in the prople living near to tower.
This radiation causes serious health problems. In last few years, evidence on the mobile phone use and risk of brain and other tumours of the head has grown considerably.
Precautions By Cell Phone User
1. Use mobile phone only for a short while. Keep it away while sleeping. Pregnant women should avoid as it may affects foetus.
2. Avoid calling when signal is weak because radiation is maximum when battery or signal is low.
3. Keep your mobile phone as far away from your body as possible. Avoid your mobile to keep in left pocket or near to your heart.
4. Use a rear shield for the phone to prevent radiation towards your body.
5. Buy cellphone with low SAR rating. Buy mobile of reputed make to ensure power level.
6. Switch your mobile phone from left to right ear while speaking without headseat.
7. More precautions should be taken with children as they are more susceptible to cell damage.
8. Dont clipped your mobile on your belt as it may affect your fertility.
9. Avoid unwanted call and advertisements through calls.
10. Use your landline, particularly when your work demands a lot of communication.

Top 10 Homecare For Numbness

Numbness and tingling are abnormal sensations that can
occur anywhere in your body, but are often felt in your
fingers, hands, feet, arms, or legs. Sensory loss; Paresthesias; Tingling and numbness; Loss of sensation are the other names it is known by.
Your doctor should find and treat the cause of your numbness or tingling. Treating the condition may make the symptoms go away or stop them from getting worse. For example, if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or low back pain, your doctor may recommend certain exercises. If you have diabetes, your doctor will discuss ways to
control your blood sugar levels. Low levels of vitamins will be treated with vitamin supplements. Medications that cause numbness or tingling may need to be switched or changed. Do not change or stop taking any of your medicines or take large doses of any vitamins or
supplements until you have talked with your doctor. Because numbness can cause a decrease in feeling, you may be more likely to accidentally injure a numb hand or foot. Take care to protect the area from cuts, bumps, bruises, burns, or other injuries.
Top 10 Home Care For Numbness
1. Exercise everyday under advice
2. Balanced Diet
3. Be hydrated
4. Regular checking for diabetes and carpal tunnel syndrome
5. Identify the medicines causing numbness and avoid them
6. Avoid prolong standing
7. Avoid any posture for long
8. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
9. Avoid any reason causing to restrict blood flow
10. Maintain good posture

How To Sharp Your Memory

What Is Memory

It is a network of encoded neurons in the brain. Each memory has a unique pattern of activity and is reconstructed from elements scattered across the brain, when a memory is recalled, the original neural pattern in the hippo campus is reestablished through a process called "Pattern completion" and it fires in sync Neurotransmitters dopa mine and acetylcholine help retain memory by improving the ability of the neurons to embed memories in their connections.

How To Sharpen Your Memory

1. Break the routine, try something new. Brush your teeth with the other hand.

2. Combine senses. smell flowers and watch television.

3. engage senses differently. bathe or gt dressed with eyes closed

4. Exercise and sleep well. the brain is like any other organ. it needs regular stimulation and proper rest.

5. Eat a balanced diet. eat omega 3 fatty acids rich fish, fruits and vegetables. avoid saturated fats.

6. Avoid stress. chronic stress can damage the hippo-campus, he center of memory and emotions.

7. Stop negative self-talk. I hear so many people say, “I am terrible with names,” “I am a bad test taker,” “My memory is terrible.” Stop that! What you tell yourself about your memory will make a difference. Instead say, “I find it easy to remember names and faces,” “I have a good memory,” “I am a good test taker.” Yes, I know, it sounds as corny as all get out—but it works.

8. Walk back in time Physical exercise doesn't just bulk up muscles, it bolsters gray matter, too. Research shows that the memory center in the brain called the hippocampus shrinks as you age, older adults who walk routinely actually gain hippocampus volume.

9. Socialize regularly Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can contribute to memory loss. Look for opportunities to get together with loved ones, friends and others — especially if you live alone. When you're invited to share a meal or attend an event, go!

10. Sleep well Sleep plays an important role in helping you consolidate your memories, so you can recall them down the road. Make getting enough sleep a priority. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a day.

Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn

In Everyday Life, learning of Programming Language may lead you to World Toppest IT Companies like Google, Microsoft etc because programmers are in high demand these days. Their fluency in coding language is invaluable. Knowing various programming languages is a no-brainier for engineers, but a basic understanding of the languages can benefit anyone, even if you're not looking to become a master coder. Grasping some general understanding of coding can help you make the right hires for your business needs, communicate better with the engineers on your team, and prevent any awkward misunderstandings. In addition to the high salaries earned for coding, you might want to consider it for a future career move.

Top 10 Programming Languages You Should Learn

1. Java

Java is top pick as one of the most popular programming languages, used for building server-side applications to video games and mobile apps. It's also the core foundation for developing Android apps, making it a favorite of many programmers. With its WORA mantra (write once, run anywhere), it's designed to be portable and run happily across multiple software platforms. I first got started with Java server programming back in 1999--it was so exciting, I actually wrote a few books about it. Java is everybody's pal! 

 2. JavaScript

JavaScript (which, confusingly, is not at all related to Java) is another favorite programming language because it's so ubiquitous on the web--it's basically everywhere. JavaScript allows developers to add interactive elements to their website, and its presence is felt across the internet. At WordStream, we use a JavaScript library called JQuery to make our JavaScript work even easier. Python 

3. C 

If you saw C on a report card, you'd be pretty bummed. Maybe a bit confused, too (is it actually a B-?). However, C is not the bizarrely bad grade it seems to be. It's often the first programming language taught in college (well, it was for me 10 years ago). I thought it was a nice "in-between" language in that it was object oriented without having to be fanatical about it. It was also low level enough to be close to hardware, but no so low level that you had to do everything manually. Because there are so many C compilers, you can write stuff in C and have it run pretty much anywhere. 

4. Python

Python is a one-stop shop. There's a Python framework for pretty much anything, from web apps to data analysis. In fact, WordStream is written in Python! You're the best bud. Python is often heralded as the easiest programming language to learn, with its simple and straightforward syntax. Python has risen in popularity due to Google's investment in it over the past decade (in fact, one recent study has shown Python to be the most commonly taught programming language in U.S. schools). Other applications built with Python include Pinterest and Instagram. Ruby 

5.  C# 

C# (pronounced C-sharp, not C-hashtag for you Twitter fans) is the language used in order to develop Microsoft apps. C# is syntactically nearly identical to Java. I've spent much time training with C#, but if you're good at Java, you'll likely have an easy time jumping onto C#. If you're looking to work on Microsoft apps, C# is the way to go. C# opens a lot of Windows (har-har). This is one of the primary languages for developing on Microsoft platforms and services. It’s the quickest way to utilize whatever Microsoft has to offer, be it Azure and .NET apps, or even apps for windows devices. C# is also the basis of the popular unity game development engine as one of its primary languages. With C++, you can go a little lower level with your programming. C++ allows you to connect directly with hardware so that you get the most out of your processing power. Hence, C++ is the perfect choice that develops powerful desktop software along with hardware accelerated games and memory intensive apps.

6. PHP 

PHP (which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, if you care to know) is often used in conjunction with dynamic data-heavy websites and app development. It provides a ton of power and is the beating heart of monster sites like WordPress and Facebook. What's really cool about PHP is that it's an open-source language, so there are tons of free pre-built modules that you can grab and modify to get your ideal results. PHP is also on the easy end of the learning spectrum, simply requiring you to embed the code within HTML. PHP is a must-learn language for aspiring web developers. PHP is a database like MySQL that is an essential tool for building modern web applications. Today, PHP powers a majority of today’s data-driven websites. It is also the foundation technology for powerful CMS such as WordPress, which can be extended to make your website more powerful.

7. Objective-C

Objective-C is the programming language behind iOS apps. Apple's new language Swift is rising in the ranks, but Objective-C is still the recommended starting point for those looking to craft Apple apps for iPhones and iPads. Next stop--the iOS App Store! 

8. SQL

SQL is a database query language (SQL stands for Structured Query Language) that's ideal when talking big data. SQL lets you siphon helpful data from massive databases. Nearly every app has a backend database, and SQL is the language that helps you interact with that sweet data. In terms of software development, SQL isn't ever used alone--rather, you invoke SQL from some other programming knowledge and you have yourself a nice package deal. 

9. C 

C is the predecessor to more complex programming languages like Java and C#. C is best when you want to work small and when dealing with low-level applications. It's widely used for embedded systems like the firmware of your television or the operating system of an airplane, as well as computer operating systems like Windows. For me personally, C was more of an academic language. It was nice to learn how to write a kernel back in college, and you gain a more solid understanding of how newer languages work under the covers, but it's rare for most application developers to ever have to use this today. There you have it--the king languages of coding. What's your programming language of choice and why? If you're a newbie looking to dive into coding, take a look at these nine spots on the web where you can learn to code (for free)! You'll be a code master in no time.

10. Swift

Swift is very young, yet it has captured the imagination of developers worldwide. It is a new fast and easy way to develop for Apple’s Mac and iOS operating systems. It consists of a broad powerful and friendly syntax that makes it possible for anyone with a Mac to build a killer app for Mac OS X or iOS.

Energy Packed Super Snack: Prunes

FA prune is a dried plum of any cultivar , mostly Prunus domestica or European Plum. The use of the term for fresh fruit is obsolete except when applied to varieties grown for drying. Most dried prunes are freestone cultivars whereas most other plums grown for fresh consumption are clingstone.
Prunes are sweet and juicy which offers a no. of benifits. These can be eaten as a snack at any time of day or incorporated into your meals. They are easy to store and ready to eat anywhere, anytime.
Top 10 Health Benifits Of Prunes
Prunes are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Here are some following benifits of Prunes:-
1. Promotes Digestive System
It has soluble as well as insoluble dietary fiber. Insoluble fiber helps speed food through digestive tract and soluble fiber enhance satiety, lowers cholesterol and regulates blood sugar level.
2. Builds Healthier Bones
It contains severals micronutrients including potassium, vitamin K and boron
which is involved in bone metabolism. Prunes prevent hormone related deterioration of the bones, preserving bone mass.
3. Antioxidants
Prunes have the highest antioxidant power of all fruits. Antioxidants are special compounds that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
4. Weight Management
These are high in fiber with less calories. The high fibre in prunes leaves you feeling fuller for longer so you would not feel the need to snack on high calorie treats. They are low in fat too. Hence these are perfect snacks for weight loss.
5. Reduce Plaque Buildup
Plaque build up in the arteries causes atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries, which can result in a shortage of oxygen and blood to the tissues of the body. If left untreated, this can lead to heart failure, stroke, and heartattack. Fortunately, research suggests that dried prunes may help slow the development of atherosclerosis.
Scientists have shown that eating prunes and drinking
prune juice can significantly reduce blood pressure.
6. Good Source of Iron
Anemia occurs when the body doesn’t have sufficient healthy red blood cells, which iron helps to make. Shortness of breath, irritability, and fatigue are all signs of mild anemia. Prune juice is a great source of iron and can help prevent and treat iron deficiency.
7. Aids Normal Body Function
Prunes are a good source of potassium , an electrolyte that assists in a variety of vital bodily functions. This mineral helps with digestion, heart rhythm, nerve impulses, and muscle contractions, as well as blood pressure. Since the body doesn’t naturally produce potassium, consuming prunes or prune juice can help you avoid deficiencies.
8. They’re a good source of vitamin K and beta carotene
A 2013 study showed that an increased intake in beta
carotene can actually make people happier . Beta-carotene
also protects and fixes the damage of free radicals on our
cells meaning it can help reverse the signs of aging.
Vitamin K works in conjunction with beta carotene to fight
the signs of aging by helping reduce bone
loss and improving circulation.
9. Controls the Urge
An overactive bladder can be embarrassing to deal with, but adding fiber to your diet can help. Oftentimes, constipation from lack of fiber can have a negative effect on bladder function and increase the frequency of urination.
10. Help To Lower Cholesterol
The soluble fibre we just spoke of also helps to lower cholesterol by soaking up excess bile in the intestine and then excreting it. Bile is made from cholesterol in the liver in order to digest fat. When the body excretes bile along with the fibre from prunes and plums, the liver must use cholesterol in the body to make more bile thereby lowering the amount in circulation in the body. Soluble fibre may also inhibit the amount of cholesterol manufactured by the liver in the first place. Prunes are more effective than psyllium fibre at
relieving constipation.

Top 10 Easy Ways To Boost Your Spirit

In Everyday Life, you may have up and down, you may feel down or uptight, you should remember always these line "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle". 

You need to look for positive and find things to appreciate throughout the day. Smile, even if you are not in the situation. You tend to experience the positive consequences to elevate your happiness and spirit.

It's not easy being upbeat when life's little bumps—from looming work deadlines to a streak of cloudy days—can easily send your mood sinking and stress levels soaring. These 10 small, feel-good moves offer a major mood boost:-

1. Just Breathe 

Typically, when you're distraught, your breathing quickens and becomes shallow. These changes in breathing are bound to add to your stress and make you more uncomfortable than you already are. You can counter such distress with this quick breathing technique:

i)  Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. 

ii) Breathe in slowly, concentrating on inflating your abdomen first and then       
    your chest. 

iii) Exhale slowly, quietly saying the word "relax" as the air goes out. 

iv) Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for at least ten breaths.

2. Crank Up Your Favorite Tunes

Music has inspiring power as sound influence the mind and body and it helps to boost your mood. So put on some feel good music, turn off the TV, forget everything else and really absorb it. Then feel the tension ease away and your spirits lift. It works even better if you dance around the room. 

3.  Go For A Walk

The weather may not permit for you to just stroll outside at any given time, even when bundled up, but on the milder days, the fresh air and sunshine will do wonders for your soul. The benifits of a good stroll are ceretainly endless. Walking improve self esteem relieve dpression, anxiety and improve mood. Apart from health benefits and feel good hormones released from being active, being outdoors in th fresh air and surrounded by nature brigs an added boost.

4. Pacify With Pets 

Studies have shown that pets promote better moods and possibly better health. In fact, one study suggests that petting dogs helps reduce blood pressure. Therefore, if you don't have a pet, consider getting one, or at least borrowing a friend's from time to time. Watching animals play is delightful, and petting them seems to soothe the body.

5. Catch Up With A Friend

When it comes to feeling happy, people who regularly have coffee, for instance with a close friend are happier than those who focus more on bigger rewards, like expensive holidays. Interaction with friends is especially important as we get older. Friends enable you to forget about work an chores.

6. Stay In The Present

Remember that most of what upsets you has to do with the past or the future. You may feel guilty and depressed about events from the past, and you may feel anxious about events that have not yet occurred and often never will. To snap yourself out of this trap, focus on what's actually happening around you right now. Notice your breathing. Feel your feet on the ground. Notice the firmness of your chair. Pay attention to the temperature. Look around you and observe. Don't judge. Just observe, and breathe.

7. Browse Old Photos

Whether it is a wedding or a holiday when the children were young, why not dust off those old photo albums and indulge in the memories. A healthy dose of nostalgia can be comforting an reviving. Going through old albums and memorabilia can reconnect you with the god times you shared with family or get together with your friends. Even small details that you have forgotten can bring back some of those past feelings.

8. Feel The Big Chill 

This technique sounds pretty weird, but it works. When your distress feels intense, fill a sink or large bowl with ice water (that's right, ice water), take a deep breath, and immerse your face in the water for 30 seconds or so. It's not as terrible as it sounds. This calming technique is believed to work because it elicits what's known as the body's dive reflex. When you're in ice-cold water, the body slows its metabolism in order to spare vital organs. A slowed metabolism reduces tension, so when your face is in ice water, your metabolism slows, your tension goes down, and you stop fretting about the things that are bothering you and your negative mind chatter ceases.

9. Do A Good Deed

Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness. It promotes happiness through all sorts of ways, including bringing people together and encouraging everyone to be more giving. Helping other is not only good for them and a great thing to do generally, it makes us happier and heather. To show kindness everywhere and when we take them we find life to be so much more meaningful and rewarding. 

10. Take A Selfie 

There’s nothing wrong with the indulgent selfie! Share it on Facebook and Instagram. You are fabulous. Taking a little glamour photo when you feel your best can really boost your mood. Sharing and Posting your Selfie enhances your mood for happiness. Friend reply and comment will be absolutely make you to smile in every situation.

Top 10 Sexual Fears For Women

1. Fear about recalciteant bodies which have lost the desirable 70% hip to waist ratio analyse from Playboy centrefolds
2. Fear about taking the initiative because she will be considered aggressive and unfeminine.
3. Fear about having an affair- by him, by her because infidelity sounds the death knell of a relationship.
4. Fear about not being good in bed, with visions of his past encourters dancing in his head.
5. Fear about not getting an orgasm which makes him unhappy and anxious.
6. Fear of being too baggy down there so he can blame his lack of desire on her.
7. Fear of getting older that he looks for younger flesh.
8. Fear of sagging / small breasts what with all the luscious cleavages around.
9. Fear of big fat butt- there is a thick dividing line between J Lo and gross.
10. Fear of not being able to conceive when he wants the patter of little feet.

Top 10 Sexual Fears For Men

1. Fear of Impotence caused by failure to have an erection on a particular occasion.
2. Fear of being different in sexual behaviour and habits.
3. Fear of premature ejaculation which can happen to any men.
4. Fear of inadequate penile size based on porn and surreptitious glances in public loos.
5. Fear of being unable to perform.
6. Fear of ageing with inevitable ailments like high BP, Diabetes and Heart Disease which can disrupt sexual functions.
7. Fear of insatiable demands from nymphomaniac.
8. Fear of latent homosexuality fueled by media stories of men coming out of closet specially strong in men who consider themselves homophobes.
9. Fear that a wife will stray, more prominent in men with strong successful wife.
10. Fear of their fantasies about other women and will they act these out.

Top 10 Rare Photos of Nightangle of India

The legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar turns 86 today, but it seems that the freshness of her voice would keep her going till eternity. Known as the nightingale of India – Lata Mangeskar - is an inspiration to millions across the globe. The melody queen who has been the voice of anumber of beautiful actresses on screen, turned 86 today.
Lata Mangeshkar is one of the most iconic artists India has ever seen. Regarded by many as the finest female playback singer of the Indian film industry, Lata was born on 28th September, 1929 to an orthodox Maharashtrian family. Music was ingrained in her from a very early age
by her father Deenanath Mangeshkar, who was a very famous classical singer. Lata’s mother Shudhamati was a housewife, while her four siblings- Hridaynath Mangeshkar, Usha Mangeshkar, Asha Bhonsle and Veena Mangeshkar – all are accomplished artists. While Mangeshkar did imbibe important musical skills though her father’s daily classical
recitals, it was popular film singer K.L. Saigal who inspired her to take up singing as a serious artistic profession. Lata Mangeshkar started her musical lessons at the age of five. However, it was not until 1942 when she began her career professionally after her father’s sudden demise. Her career spans 62 years and is still going strong.
Throughout her career, she has sung over 1,000 Hindi songs. Moreover, she has also sung in over 36 regional and international languages.
The evergreen singer held the Guinness World Records for having recorded the most songs in the world from 1974 to 1991 and continued to be the favourite singer of top filmmakers.
Top 10 Rare Photos Of Nightangle Of India










Top 10 Causes For Your Dull Hair

In Everyday Life, you see long locks of shiny hair that seem to glow with a light all of its own in the fashion and beauty magazines. It can leave you feeling that you’ll never have hair that looks like that. Well, the first
thing to remember is that unless you are a model and regularly have your hair photographed under professionally- set lighting, the level of shine and glow seen in magazine photos is not likely to become part of your daily life. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make your hair appear shinier and healthier. It means that you have to remember which are real and which are special effects.
Dull hair looks less healthy, and absorbs light rather than reflecting it. It can also make the color appear lifeless and leave you feeling that your hair is unappealing, when in fact it can be beautiful with just a few simple tips.
Top 10 Causes For Your Dull Hair
1. Inadequate diet leading to deficiency of vitamins A, C, B12 and minerals such as iron.
2. Straightening, perming, colouring etc in which hair is treated with chemicals.
3. Intense and excessive brushing
4. Excessive use of dryer and hair straightener.
5. Leaving the hair untangled.
6. Explosure to Sun, since the UV rays of sun perforate the hair shaft and alter the melanin content of hair which causes lightening of hair.
7. Explosure to wind is equally harmfull since the repeated effects of strong gusty winds makes the hair tangled and leads to split ends.
8. Washing hair with very hot water.
9. Using a harsh shampoo.
10. Shampooing too often like five to six times a week, the natural oil of the hair, sebum gets removed and hair look dull.

Top 10 Signs You Are Controlled By Smartphone

In Everyday Life, many people seem to be addicted to their Smartphone or we can say that Smartphone are controlling our Everyday Life. Watch
people while they are driving, walking down the street, and standing in line anywhere and you’ll see the addiction.
Here are ten signs you are addicted
1. You feel worried without your phone
2. You go to your Facebook or other social media page first of all in the morning.
3. Checking your inbox frequently
4. You carry your gadget to even toilet.
5. You retire to bed with your mobile
6. You read your sms inbox while driving
7. You check your phone while having food.
8. You unlock your mobile locked screen without any notification.
9. You are still with on smartphone apps even discussing with friend or relative.
10. You feel your mobile is ringing or vibrating when you are in another room to your phone.

10 Things Not To Do In Office

In Everyday Life,  office etiquette is most important because
bad manners at work can be bad for business by negatively affecting employee morale and productivity. To ensure a happy and productive work environment, every employee should act as a role model
by demonstrating the following 10 good manners:
1. Avoid Gossip and office politics
Do not indulge in office gossip. It may be fine to comment on office happenings but it should be limited. Do not take active participation in gossiping. You may hurt the sentiments of someone who is working with you. Office gossip tends to spread rumors. A rumor about co-
workers, your seniors or yourself can spoil relations . You can even lose your job due to extreme gossiping. Always remember too much of gossiping in office is unhealthy. Also avoid being part of office politics. You have been appointed to do a specific job and you must give your
best shot it. Your career is more important that empty words that do no good to anyone. If this countdown list is not convincing enough, simply
imagine if you owned your office.
2. Do not Discuss Personnel
It is always wise not to bring your work to home and avoid bringing your personal concerns at workplace. Do not discuss your worries and tragedies with co-workers during working hours. Avoid talking about husband-wife fights, love problems, financial hurdles and other such topics. It may have a negative impact on work efficiency. Focus on the present and it will provide you some mental space away from your problems.
3. Avoid use of office technology for personal use
You must be responsible while using office technology like telephones , fax machines, printers and computers. Making never ending personal calls from office phone, online chatting , using social networking sites, visiting banned websites or watching videos show highly unprofessional behaviour. One must use these only for office work. Limit personal use if it is important to use it.
4. Dress Sense
Appearances do matter. Coordinating with office dress code is very important. One should always follow rules regarding the dress code. Avoid wearing casual wear to office. Wearing T-shirt and a pair of jeans to office exhibits unprofessional attitude. Formal outfits such as
suits, shirts , trousers, coats are advisable for men. Women can wear formals like trousers paired with shirts and semi-formals like jeans paired with kurtis. Indian wear like salwar kameez and saris can be a good option for work wear.
5. Avoid Chatting
Do not keep on chatting without reason. Constant chatting with co-workers can disturb everyone. Keep your conversations short and crisp when you are working. You can indulge in small conversations but
do not disturb the work environment with constant babbling.
6. Honesty is The Best Policy
Always handle office property such as machines, furniture and electronic equipments with care. Do not be harsh while using office property. Act responsible while handling important materials such as files, folders, documents and confidential data. Do not waste electricity by keeping the electronic gadgets switched on when not in use. Though
office belongings are not your personal possessions taking care of them is your duty. 'Honesty is the best Policy', is still the way to go.
7. Avoid Fooding On Office Table
Do not eat near or on your desk. Accidents do happen and you do not want to ruin important documents or your keyboard. Some offices may allow eating at desks but it is advisable to eat lunch at office canteens or other places. Clean the clutter after eating. Take proper
precaution not to mess up the place where you are going 5to eat. Make use of tissues and dustbins.
8. Do not stay absent without genuine reason
Taking an off from work and giving fake reasons about ill health is highly irresponsible behavior. As an employee you have official holidays and leaves. Do take advantage of these leaves. Bunking office because you are bored is not sensible as you tend to put a work pressure on your co-workers without any genuine reason. If you have genuine reasons for being absent from office inform your colleague or the Human Resource in charge. Provide all details of pending work and submissions. Make sure you are available on your mobile.
9. Avoid being late
Do not arrive late at office. Always be on time. Record of coming late can lay a bad impression on your superiors and bosses. It is better to arrive five minutes earlier or on time. When you come late, you need more time to settle down and you end up wasting time which can be used to complete important tasks. If you have a genuine reason
for coming late, inform the designated person stating the reason of delay. It shows that you are responsible.
10. Time Management
Plan your time at office and stick to the plan. Follow your schedule strictly. Have your lunch at the time provided. If there is no fixed lunch time, do not stretch it long. Follow the office rules. Avoid leaving office before its official timing. Do not take longer breaks in between work and wasting time unnecessarily. Be accountable for every action you take and act responsible towards your duties. Avoid procrastinating. Grab a cup of hot tea and finish your task completely. You feel a great sense of accomplishment once you are done.

Health Benifits from Broccoli

Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowerhead is eaten as a vegetable.The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo , which means "the flowering crest of a cabbage ", and is the diminutive form of brocco , meaning "small nail" or "sprout". Broccoli is often boiled or steamed but may be eaten raw.

Broccoli is classified in the Italica cultivar group of the species Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like structure branching out from a thick, edible stalk . The mass of flower heads is surrounded by leaves. Broccoli resembles cauliflower , which is a different cultivar group of the same species. Broccoli has an impressive nutritional profile. It is "high in fiber, very high in vitamin C and has potassium, B6 and vitamin A," raved Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist with the Fitness Institute of Texas at the University of Texas at Austin. "For a nonstarchy vegetable, it has a good amount of protein."

Top 10 Benifits from Broccoli

1.Cancer prevention

Broccoli shares these cancer fighting, immune boosting properties with other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

2. Cholesterol reduction

Like many whole foods, broccoli is packed with soluble fiber that draws
cholesterol out of your body.

3. Reducing allergic reaction and inflammation

Research has shown the ability of kaempferol to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. Broccoli even has significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are well know as an anti-inflammatory.

4. Powerful antioxidant

Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most
concentrated source of vitamin C, plus the flavonoids necessary for vitamin C to recycle effectively. Also concentrated in broccoli are the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, other powerful

5. Bone health

Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.

6. Heart health

The anti-inflammatory properties of sulforaphane, one of the isothiocyanates (ITCs) in broccoli, may be able to prevent (or even reverse) some of the damage to blood vessel linings that can be
caused by inflammation due to chronic blood sugar problems.

7. Diet aid

Broccoli is a good carb and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating.Furthermore, a cup of broccoli has as much protein as a
cup of rice or corn with half the calories.

8. Detoxification

Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin and glucobrassicin are special phytonutrients that support all steps in the body’s detox process, including activation, neutralization and elimination of unwanted contaminants. These three are in the perfect combination in broccoli. Broccoli also contains isothiocyanates (which you read about ininflammation) which help control the detox process at a
genetic level.

9. Alkalizes Your Body

Like many vegetables, broccoli helps keep your whole body less acidic, which has a host of health benefits.

10. Promotes Hair Growth

Broccoli contains vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium which promote hair growth. Vitamins A and C stimulate the production of sebum, an oil based secretion that acts as a natural moisturizer and conditioner for scalp and hair whereas calcium strengthens the hair follicles.

Top 10 Tricks How To Run Computer Faster

In Everyday Life, computer is used in every section such as marketing, education, research and home. Every user of computer will feel pain when it gets slow performance. It can be even worse when your entire task is pending due to your computer or laptop is not working properly. Your computer is slow now. Every time when you open a new application or play your favourite game or copy your data from one place to another place of device, you feel like an old person.

After a while, your computer of laptop may get congested up with junk data of file that can be a great reason of slow-moving of your system. However there’s no requirement of complete system re-install or thinking of purchasing a new computer, you can boost the performance of your system without spending any money.  

Top 10 simple tricks you should follow to run your system fast.

1. Delete the unwanted software installed on your machine

Follow the below navigation

Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a program.

Make a list of useful applications and uninstall all other application from your system by right clicking on the particular software and then click on uninstall. 

2. Remove junk file from your system

Window’s Disk Clean-up utility is very helpful to boost your system’s performance as it removes all unwanted temporary files and system files.

Click on Start button. Search by typing ‘disk clean-up’. Click Disk Clean-up utility and now you will have to select the disk to be cleaned up of junk data. Select C: drive as junk files in this drive make the system slow. Now select the type of files required to be deleted and click OK to delete them.

3. Disk De-fragmentation

After a while, on creating new files and deleting them frequently, the space on disk gets fragmented. It also leads to slow performance of the system. De-fragmentation is a tool that rearranges all fragmented space on the disk by reuniting fragmented data. After disk de-fragmentation, computer can run more efficiently.

Click Win + R, Type defrag.exe to run the disk de-fragmentation utility.

4. Turn off windows visual effects

Windows’ graphical effects give great look to the desktop but a lot of memory space is utilised and resulting slow performance of the system. If you disable this effect, it could result in fast performance.

Right-click on an empty area of desktop. A popup menu appears. Select Personalise from the list. Turn off most of the flashy effects and select Classic mode of window to speed up the system.

5. Change Indexing Option

Windows indexes your hard disk automatically for faster seek of data. But background indexing in your system would make computer performance very slow. You may opt to disable this feature to boost up the speed.

Click on My Computer icon on the desktop. In Windows Explorer, select C: drive and right click on it, go to properties of C: drive. Click on the General tab and un-check the box “Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties” and click OK. Ensure the changing to subfolders and files is selected and click OK.

6. Trim your Start-up applications

When system boots, necessary information is moved from the slower hard disk drive to faster memory i.e. RAM. If you have selected many applications to start on window start up, it may surely slow down your system after a while. So select only needful application here as low amount of information would be required to transfer on startup resulting better performance. To stop these unwanted programs to be started up while window starts up, click on Start, select all programs, select Startup. Choose all unwanted applications you want not to open while window starts up and delete them.

7. Installation of SSD

Computer start-up becomes slower as information is moving from a slower device i.e. hard drive to faster memory i.e. RAM. Trimming your start up applications solves this problem but do you know how to make hard disk faster. Installing a solid state device is the solution of this problem as an SSD is much faster than a conventional hard drive. But a SSD is more expensive and it has low capacity.
8. Check your Hard Disk Drive Space

To run your Computer easily at a faster speed, leave your C: partition empty with at least 20% space. Go to my computer, select C: drive and delete all unwanted file on this drive. Disk clean up utility also make this action by deleting junk files on the C: drive. If you have dumped any back up of your data on C: drive or my documents, move it or delete it.

9. In control panel, opt for higher performance to prevent hardware throttling. Go to the Performance power plan's advance setting and check the minimum and maximum of processor state. Ensure these are 100%. If you are mixed up, do the needful to correct them.

10.  Click Win + R, type “Prefetch”, “%Temp%” and “recent”, click on Ok button. Select all the files and delete them.