Rise With Beautiful Face Everyday Morning

In Everyday Life, as you know very well, minimum 8 hours sleep is very essential for good health as well as beautiful skin. Do you know how to get beautiful and charming face in Everyday morning? Yes, you will have to obey some directions as given in this post.

Firstly, there is a need to change your routine of Everyday Life. Spare 10 minutes daily before retiring to bed. Put any vitamin e moisture on face, arm and leg after washing and cleaning. It will improve your skin tremendously and important thing is the place where you keep your moisture. Cool moisture do magic on skin. Don’t forget to user face wash in Everyday morning to clean the skin.

everyday life, health
For beautiful and dense eyebrow and eyelids, put olive oil and gently massage on it. It strengthens the hair from root and improves density on eyebrow and eyelids. For beautiful, glowing pinky lips, scrub lips gently to remove all dead skin. It will increase the blood circulation. Put on lip balm in well before going to bed. This routine will give soft, beautiful and glowing lips. To get rid of dark circle under eye, boil green tea bags in some water and let it cool down in freeze. Now put these bags on the dark circle. Caffeine in green tea helps to soften the skin and tighten the wrinkle.

A complete 8 hours sleep is very essential for overall health including beautification. Go to bed with relax body. If you feel for bathe, take it but with mild or hot water. Never take tea, coffee or any caffeine drink before going to bed. Always keep in mind your bed and its items. Silk cloth prevents hair damage during sleep due to friction. It is good for skin and prevent wrinkles. Use of silk in bed improves your hair and skin health magically.

Follow these tips and see the magic after one week. Rise and see the mirror and observe how much improvement is there in your skin health. take minimum 8 glasses of water a day. The water will clear your skin and make it glow by flushing out toxins quickly. Drink herbal tea or other non-caffeinated drink to ensure hydration. Do cardio as it makes your skin glow because it stimulates blood circulation.

In whole day, you skin goes through makeup, dirt, and oil build. Ensure cleansing of skin before going to bed. It is very necessary for clogging up your pores and it also prevents smearing bacteria on your pillow where it can get into your skin at night. Use a gentle face wash. 

Value Of Family Life

Followers of celebirities are lesser known about their life style in real. They are always thought of same life as they have acted or performed on screen. Acting is their professional life and not whole part of the life. This is fact and even irony, same people don't understand that they also have families and cannot deny its value.

Basically this post is not upon cinema celebirities but for those people who are forgotten true value and means of family in life and think celebirities do not support indian traditional family culture; which is better known for strongness, closeness, security and sense of support etc. But amid all of us, are forgetting the value of family and are getting seperated from our parents.

Consequently, from collectivism to individualism, a way is paved where the lines by a famous person "The circle of care at least in Indian families embraces all generations" seems faint but not false because of the idea on which it is based i.e. sacrifice and support for both younger as well as older member of family.

Besides of all these means, the modern family life where married children get seperated from parents alongwith insecurity of children and older, economic problem, loneliness, unsocialism, isolation, less conflict resolution skill etc.

What Our Dreams Interpret

In Everyday Life, all of us are connected to dreams, these are like our mate. Do you know what is dream ? Dream is a picture of thoughts, feeling, sensations etc in subconscious mind during sleep.

Nobody is there without dreams. Dreaming is a natural phenomena. Everybody has dream while sleeping. It is different thing that he/she may not recognise what has seen in dream.

Dream world and real world are different but these are connected to each other by some meaning. Something is revealed by what you have seen in your dream last night.

What these signs could be, think, it is interesting and in this regard, what are the common dreams almost everybody has and see, it may be bad or good depending upon the dream, following some dream interperation are collected. Have a look and observe your Everyday Life.


Copper:Expose of hidden secret
Grean Forest:Happiness
Wear Specs:Wiseness
Meat:Money at sudden
Do Praying:End of problem
Having sex:Money
WalKing baby:Money
Dancing:End of ailment
Dog:Meeting with old friend
Red flower:Increase in money
Market:End of poorness
Talk to dead:Wish complete
Sky:Child brith
Rainbow:Good health
Postman:Meeting with any relative
Map:Success in planning
Honey:Compitable life


Kahl:Physical problem
Injury in body:Death of any relative
Dry forest/garden:Problem
Moon eclipse:Ailment
Teeth problem:Problem
Smoke:Loss of business
Gold:Loss of money
Crow:News of death of any friend/relative
Arms:Loss of court case
Flood:Loss in business
Pick pocket:Business problem
Doctor:Health problem
Play drum:Accident
Court:Legal issue
Play cards:Lots of problem
Extravengza:Bad news
Begging:Loss of wealth
Lezard:Theft in home
Skyfall:Problem at sudden
Firefly:Bad time starts

Pakistan Land Is Used For Terrorism: Gen Parvez

Gen Parvez Musharaff, from Dubai, in a live interview to Indian news channel, accepted the real terrorism in Pakistan that is used against India and Pakistan people are funding for it.

He said that our people are against India and Hafeez Syeed is not a terrorist. He is motivational speaker to Pakistan people who make their people ready for fight with India.

He denied about the news of terrorists bank account were seized. And also accepted that Pakistan people like all the terrorists who are acting against India like Burhan Wani who was a killer in Kashmir valley.

Further, Gen Parvez said that Pakistan has great potential and not isolated country. He daid that SAARC has no meaning without Pakistan. But there was no answer on asking about the promise for not using their land for terrorism.

Its Pakistan retired army gen who is totally fake and accept the terrorism as their internal issue and right againt India.

Top Ten Signs Of Love Addiction

Love Addiction, Top 10, Everyday Life
In our Everyday Life, we have lot of addictions; it may be game, gadgets, goodies etc. But relationship addiction is on the high to which we all are hooked and is a uncontrollable, never-ending appetite of romantic love in order to get a sense of self worth.

Abnormal preoccupation with love including in their entertainment, lack of true intimacy, short or highly intense relationships etc are the few signs that tell you are love addicted and these may create conflict if these issues or expectation is unresolved. Have a look on the following things and rate yourself, are you addicted to love?

Top 10 Signs Of Love Addiction

1. Looking for love what you see in Cinema.

2. You demand unconditional positive regard at all times.

3. You feel someone you will happy in relationship with.

4. You usually look for the special one in your life.

5. You take very long in break up.

6. You expect someone loving you permanently.

7. Always think for getting love from someone not interested in.

8. You are disturbing your relationship thinking about your Ex.

9. You expect someone else to solve your problems or care for.

10. You prefer to stay in bad relationship as you are alone.

Inauguration Of One Gas Agency In Rural Area Lighten Up More Than Twenty Villages

सांसद रमेश कौशिक ने कहा कि  प्रधानमंत्री उज्जवला योजना गरीबी रेखा से नीचे जीवन यापन करने वाले लोगों के लिए वरदान है। पेट्रोलियम एवं प्राकृतिक गैस मंत्रालय इस योजना का कार्यान्वयन कर रहा है। प्रधानमंत्री उज्जवला योजना स्वच्छ इंधन बेहतर जीवन का आधार है। सांसद श्री कौशिक गांव जुंआ में सोनीपत खानपुर रोड़ स्थित जांगड़ा भारतगैस के शुभ मुहर्त पर पर उपस्थितगण को संबोधित कर रहे थे।
इस  अवसर पर  जांगड़ा भारतगैस  गैंस एजेंसी के मालिक पूनम जाले व सतीश जाले ने आस पास के दर्जनो गाँवों से आयी 60 बीपीएल महिलाओं को घरेलू गैस कनेक्शन के किट एवं दस्तावेज वितरित किए गए। उन्होंने कहा कि जुआं गाँव में एजेंसी खुलने से दर्जनो गाँवों को सीधे फायदा मिला है, पहले ये सभी गाँव 15 किलोमीटर दूर सोनीपत से सिलेंडर लाते थे। उनकी इस परेशानी को समझते हुए इस सुविधा का लाभ दिया, ताकि देश के प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी  जी का स्वच्छ ईंधन, बेहतर जीवन का सपना पूरा हो सके।  उन्होंने कहा कि इस तरह की जनउपयोगी सुविधाएं आने से इस ग्रामीण क्षेत्र का विकास होगा और लोगो का सामाजिक और आर्थिक स्तर सुधरेगा।
भाजपा प्रेदश प्रदेश उपाध्यक्ष राजीव जैन ने कहा कि धानमंत्री सुरक्षा बीमा योजना, जन धन योजना, सुकन्या समृद्धि योजना, प्रधानमंत्री जीवन ज्योति बीमा योजना, अटल पेंशन योजना, दीनदयाल उपाध्याय ग्राम ज्योति योजना के बाद उज्जवला योजना शुरू की गई है।
इस अवसर पर पिछड़ा वर्ग कल्याण निगम के चयेरमैन रामचंद्र जांगड़ा ने कहा कि केन्द्र व प्रदेश सरकार की नीतियों की सराहना करते हुए कहा कि उज्जलवा योजना से गरीब परिवार के लोगों को गैस कनेक्शन मिल जाने पर महिलाओं को लकड़ी और कंडों से चूल्हे पर खाना बनाने से मुक्ति मिल सकेगी। इससे गरीब परिवार की महिलाओं के जीवन मे खुशहाली आएंगी। उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार की योजनााओं का लाभ देश व प्रदेश के अंतिम छोर पर बैठे हुए हर व्यक्ति को मिले इसके लिए सरकारकृत संकल्प है।
इस अवसर पर भारत पेट्रोलियम के विपणन अधिकारी रोहित सेठी ने प्रधानमंत्री उज्जलवा योजना पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा कि यह योजना एक धुँआरहित ग्रामीण भारत की परिकल्पना करती है और वर्ष 2019 तक 5 करोड़ परिवारों, विशेषकर गरीबी रेखा से नीचे रह रही महिलाओं को रियायती एलपीजी कनेक्शन उपलब्ध कराने का लक्ष्य रखती है। योजना से एलपीजी के उपयोग में वृद्धि होगी और स्वास्थ्य संबंधी विकार, वायु प्रदूषण एवं वनों की कटाई को कम करने में मदद मिलेगी।
आस पास के कई गाँवों के सरपंचो ने सांसद महोदय को पत्र देकर कहा कि उनके गाँव में पहले सोनीपत और फरमाना से गैस सप्लाई थी, क्योकि अब नजदीक में ही गैस एजेंसी आ गई है तो उनके गाँवों के कनेक्शनों को यहाँ पर जोड़ा जाए,  मौके पर ही मौजूद कुछ लोगो ने कहा कि जिन उज्ज्वला स्कीम के तहत सिर्फ महिलाओ को गैस कनेक्शन दिए जा रहे है, जिन घरो में कोई 18  साल से ऊपर महिला नहीं है, उनको गैस कनेक्शन नहीं मिल रहा.