Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Top Ten Lovely Words



"The most selfish one letter word"

Avoid it



"The most satisfying two letter word"

Use it



"The most poisonous three letter word"

Kill it



"The most used four letter word"

Value it



"The most pleasing five letter word"

Keep it



"The fastest spreading d ix letter word"

Ignore it



"The hardest working seven letter word"

Achieve it



"The most enviable eight letter word"

Distance it



"The Most powerful nine word letter"

Acquire it



"The most essential ten words letter" 

Trust it

10 Signs You Have A Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut is self inflicted. We can injure the gut lining by taking nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs. We can kill our good bacteria with alcohol, antibiotics, chlorinated drinking water, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals in our food. We also consume lots of sugar in Everyday Life. All thats leads to dcreased intestinal functionand creats those gaps in the intestine.

Holes In Your Stomach

The intestine helps us absorb food nutrients into our bloodstream to nourish the body but the intestine also acts as a barrier. There are a lot of molecules and bacteria that we don't want in our bloodstream. The intestine wall prevents them from getting there. In a person with leaky gut syndrome, the intestine wall becomes more permeable than normal. As a result, alien substances gain access to the body. The immuse system fires up in self defence leading to inflammation and ailments like arthritis, allergies, diabetes, heart problems, Alzheimer's or cancer.

Leaky gut is now being blammed for a lot of our health woes. What are the sign you have leaky gut, here we go

10 Signs You Have Leaky Gut

1. Digestive disorders, gas bloating, diarrhoea or irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Seasonal Allergies.

3. Asthmatic Problems

4. Hormonal Imbalances

5. Autoimmune diease: Rheumatoid arthritis to psoriasis

6. Chronic fatique or fibromyalgia, chronic pain and stiffness in joints

7. Depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder or attention defict hyperactivity disorder

8. Skin issues such as achne, rosacea or eczema

9. Diagnosis of candila overgrowth, leading to fungal infections

10. Food allergies or food intolerance

Heal Muscle Cramp By 10 Foods

In Everyday Life, Leg cramps are not usually a serious illness but they can be incredibly painful and debilitating. They may be caused by several things as you have read in previous post. What works best for you will depend on the underlying cause, besides it here are some foods that may help you to heal your muscle cramp.
Eat foods that contain potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps to break down your intake carbo and helps to build muscles. You may include the following top 10 foods to get high potassium for everyday
* Handful of dried fruits
* A glass of tomato juice
* A glass of milk
* A glass of any citrus fruit
* A slice of melon
* A banana
*  An orange a day
* Drinking lot of water
* Stop taking too much caffeine foods like coffee, tea and soda.
* Grean Tea
The above intake for everyday can help banish leg cramp and prevent their recurrence. They also help to flush out the cramp causing waste products from your muscles. Avoid high caffeined food and prefer grean tea and water.

Top Ten Tricks For Trackling Stress

In Everyday Life, Stress is not a medical diagnosis but of an abnormal activity caused to any person irrespective of their age due to various reasons. 

Over burdening, lack of control over what is happening, peer pressure, comparison, increased academic demands, changes in family relations or social life, financial responsibilities, problem with ailments or loss of near & dear ones etc cause stress.

A no. of stress busters are suggested by Yogic Gurus, doctors, natural healers / therapists, counsellors and physical trainers, here are top 10 ways to tackle stress.

Top 10 Tricks For Trackling Stress

1. Practice yoga especially during early hours.

2. Brisk walking for 30-40 mins or jogging for 10 mins followed by few stretching exercise.

3. Drink plenty of water in the morning; take curd in lunch and milk at night. This helps to flush out toxins.

4. Eat balanced and nutritious food consisting of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibre etc at a gap of 2-3 hours. Always remember to leave some space for the air and water in the stomach.

5. Avoid saturated, fatty and preservative foods and consume fresh cooked food and fruit juices.

6. Develop social network and involve mostly in external s activities like sports, cultural activities, seminars, society development works etc.

7. Spend some time with kids, elders and pets and try to stay away from all electronic gadgets.

8. Take little breaks from your professional work and go on vacation. Even while working in office just stand or move from your seat at intervals.

9. Take at least 6 to 7 hours of continued sleep and try to read a good book/story or watch albums before going to bed.

10. Not but the least is prayer to the Almighty. Do some kind of meditation.

Everyday Life Problem and Solution

everyday life
In Everyday Life, all handle problems. Few are able to quickly solve them without so much trouble whereas other struggle for a long. Most of the people solve their problems as per an approach that worked in the past. Sometimes problems become more complicated when there is no clear key and your planning and experience don’t work. These types of problems cause a great deal of stress and make the person to deal with different trick to solve them.

Firstly, we have to know what is problem actually because it can cause anxiety. Unfortunately, avoiding your problems in present can become a big problem in future. So, how can you recognize a problem early, is most important. Try to write down all the problems you are facing and find out those what are repeating again and again in your Everyday Life. Some people misunderstand the situation and make themselves responsible for the problem instead of what is happening around us. There is need to make oneself ready for fight to solve these problems which are threatening yourself and you are feeling week in front of them. If you think you cannot solve them, the problems would be very tough to solve by you and a great motivation will be helpful to you then. Negative aspect is very dangerous as you will not find a way to get rid of them. Always remember solving a single problem will lead a way to solve another one.

To solve a problem after defining it in a sentence, write down the procedure how to solve the problems. Make sure that your approach is positive; if they are too unrealistic, you will surely not be able to trace and solve them. Be specific. Make the problem into many sub problems and find the root one where you will have to start. Human try to solve the problem on his experience. Try it and if does not work then try some another one. Don’t repeat the same if it fails. Make a list of no. of solutions and don’t judge them. Start with one and move to another if it fails. If all your solutions you listed not working, don’t be panic. You will have to more specific about deciding the solution.

The perfect solution will require some time. It is very difficult now to find the accurate way to solve the problem. It is better to act than to do nothing at all. To help you carry out your solution, you can make an action plan. If you know how you are going to carry out your solution, you are more likely to do it. Your plan should include all the steps that you will need to take to carry out the solution, and it should be as specific and concrete as possible. On deciding the action plan and working on it, check the progress whether it will solve the problem after a time. Few good plans don’t always work and sometimes even the best solutions don’t work out well. If you notice that your workload is going down, then your solution is probably working.

Everything has a reason

everyday life, reason
In Everyday Life, we all usually listen about the things happening whatever it may be good or bad; everything has a reason behind it. When something bad happens to us, people say don’t worry God has done it for your better future. Do you think every event in our everyday life happens with a reason?  

This is a concept that is universally accepted. And when someone who is in pain, gets motivated on accepting this fact. It can be difficult to think everything happening for a reason, but it can also be helpful. When we are going through harsh time, it can be very comforting to think.

Observe your life, keep reminding yourself that all happen for a reason. People came to your life and left you. Some people make your life beautiful whereas some people left you with bitter experience. Now point arises why we accepted all those people in our life. We don’t know what type of experience we will get from the people we meet in our everyday life. We should have to accept the pain and difficulty as what it is because we are going to gain an experience.

Everything happens for a reason. People change themselves as per time to learn to let go when things go wrong and you should appreciate them when they’re right. Do you think there are no coincidences in Everyday Life? Everything happens for a reason. Everybody, we meet have to play a roll in our life what it may be. All things and people make us a better person and remind us that we are not perfect and should always try for the path ahead to perfect. Always remember you have to survive all things in life, bad or good. Your response, how you react, will decide your future. Just understand the situation and do planning, be ready for the fight.

There are many factors that show everything happens for a reason.  The law of cause and effect is one of them that point toward everything does happen for a reason and not only due to coincidence or accident. The natural law of cause and effect is also known as the law of sowing and reaping. A man reaps what he sows. For every action, there is a reaction by itself. We will have to reap whatever we have sown and we would reap in comparison to how we had sown. All the good work done by our self for the society come to us in form of blessing and all bad deeds return to us in the form of sad things in our everyday life.

Few people accept as true that everything occur coincidentally. They believe totally in faith, time of birth and all. They think that if people would have born at another place with difference in time, they would have never achieved something to what they gained in life. In other words, those people were basically blessed to get the victory and people fail not because of their mistakes but simply for the reason they have bad destiny.

What People Want In Everyday Life

In Everyday Life, What People want? Do you think this is same for all people? People want to be happy and loved. You see this everyday on a number of levels and across all ages. Ultimately people just want to feel included, like they belong and that they matter. Some people work hard for it, some people think it will come automatically. Some people do not work at all. What they really want is a question to them also. What they desire is to be better than the nearest more successful person. And there are people who are above all these petty affairs and it is those people who experience the true happiness.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the physiological, safety, belonging and love, esteem, self-actualisation and self-transcendence are things what people want in their Everyday Life. It can be better understood with the help of a pyramid. In this pyramid, most fundamental needs are at bottom and self actualisation layer at the top of pyramid. This pyramid suggests that the most basic needs must be met before the all other needs related to someone individual. The human mind and brain are the two different things which generate different processes at the same time and this is the reason for priority of needs.  Hence there is a need to be focused on identifying the basic types of motivation and the order in which they should be obtained. 
everyday life, people

People want, at the deepest level, are the feelings that come with emotional stimulation. Whatever we want to do, there are components of emotional stimulation that are rewarding and motivating. If action is not possible, then imaginary action is indulged in for those feelings, as in reading, watching movies, daydreaming, taking recreational drugs. All that we desire has associated feelings that are craved, which motivates the behaviour toward fulfilling desires. The trouble is, this is a short sighted way to exist, and we end up chasing one impermanent set of feelings only to see a need to chase a different set of feelings. It becomes an endless, wandering process that can eventually take us into places of suffering.  It could be described this way:  Figments of our desires, leading us on, endlessly through time.
Whatever it may be, what everyone wants is totally related to one’s satisfaction. And people want what they haven’t. Here requirement and satisfaction are playing important role. Firstly we comes to requirement of people, they may want to have better life, to look better, to be rich, to be successful, to have more money, to live forever, to be happy always, goodness, to feel valuable, peace of mind and a lot of things people want in their everyday life, for those things they work harder to earn them but is really all these things make them truly happy. I think what people want is intrinsically happiness. They want money because they can buy what they want. They buy what they want because they can bring happiness. They need love, family, friendship in order not to be lonely because they want happiness. Philosophically speaking, most people are utilitarianism. Everything they want and they do is because they want to get more happiness. Everyone wants something different in life. Some people might want love, money or fame. So it really depends can you be more specific? People want to be loved, appreciated, credited, played, esteemed, live with dignity, have leisure time, job, education, opportunities, health, wealth, property etc. How many people could live without computers? Nowadays they are not only needed by so many people, in their jobs, or simply could not do without: many people would feel lost without the web now, whereas they were totally happy without before.

There are a few things we all want. We want companionship. All the way back to our ancestors we coalesced into groups, small and large. On one level, having companionship gives you greater security. For example, if you're alone you are more vulnerable. This applies to humans and many animals. On another level, given that humans have developed into emotional creatures, companionship allows us to have emotional support from others. We have conditioned ourselves this way for a long time. There are probably a few people in this world who don't need companionship. They are rare in my opinion. People base their wants on their emotional needs. Some people want money, because they believe money will solve their problems. Maybe they were raised this way. I know people who grew up very poor, but have made a success of themselves and acquired a good sum of money. They are very frugal with their money. They put a tremendous value on it. I think they do this, because psychologically the money eliminated the psychological pangs of poverty. They want to remove that poverty mindset that they had to grow up with.